Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, about the guitar. According to the text, the guitar is one of the most popular instruments in the world, and very present in Brazilian music. But, do you know how this instrument works? Do you know the pieces present on the guitar? What are they made of? Let's find out? So, carefully read the text “How does the guitar work?”. Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Read the text below. Then answer the proposed questions:
Guitar is sound to gather. When its strings echo, people sit around, whether to sing or just listen. The guitar is one of the most popular instruments in the world, and very present in Brazilian music. It is also a plucked string instrument, which means that to play the guitar you have to use your fingertips to make the sound sound. The musician who specializes in this instrument is called violinist.
When the violinist plucks the stretched strings of the guitar, they vibrate and produce a certain sound. Inside the top of the guitar (that top part, where there is a hole), there are glued wooden bars, known as harmonic fan, which serve to distribute the sound throughout the instrument. This vibration is transferred to the guitar body which will “amplify” (spread and increase) the sound of the strings and project it throughout the environment until it reaches our ears.
The guitar is made almost entirely of wood, with the exception of the strings and some accessories made of metal, such as the tuners that are used to pull the strings and tune the instrument.
The number of strings may vary. The most popular type of guitar has six strings and they can be steel or nylon, which produce different sounds. The best instruments (and the most valuable ones too) are handcrafted by a professional called a luthier. The entire process is time-consuming and requires a lot of manual skill and attention to detail from the craftsman.
The best woods for building the guitar are Canadian cedar and European spruce for the top of the instrument, and rosewood for the back. These woods, in addition to providing great sound quality, make the instrument very beautiful!
Juarez Bergmann Filho and Leandro Mombach. “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 270. Available in: .
Question 1 - In the passage “When your strings echo, people sit around, either to sing or just to listen.”, what do the authors of the text refer to?
Question 2 - In the part “[…] the stretched guitar strings, they vibrate and produce a certain sound.”, the highlighted verbs express:
( ) actions of the stretched guitar strings.
( ) states of the guitar's stretched strings.
( ) characteristics of the stretched guitar strings.
Question 3 - In the excerpt "(that upper part, where there is a hole)", the authors define:
( ) the top of the guitar.
( ) the harmonic range.
( ) the guitar body.
Question 4 – In the fragment “[…] some accessories made of metal, such as the pegs […]”, the word “how” introduces:
( ) an example of a guitar accessory made of metal.
( ) the purpose of a guitar accessory made of metal.
( ) a comparison of guitar accessories made of metal.
Question 5 - The underlined word was used to intensify the sentence:
( ) “[…] much present in Brazilian music.”
( ) “[…] lots of handicraft […]"
( ) “[…] much care for details."
Question 6 – In the sentence “[…] they can be of steel […]", the highlighted expression indicates:
( ) possession.
( ) origin.
( ) matter.
Question 7 – In the segment “The best instruments (and the most valuable ones too) are made handcrafted by a professional called a luthier.”, the term underlined expresses:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 8 – In “Esses woods, in addition to providing great sound quality, they make the instrument very beautiful!”, the expression “Esses woods” resumes:
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.