Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, about Braille. It is a tactile writing and reading system based on 64 raised symbols. With it, it is possible to represent letters, numbers and punctuation marks. Do you know who created this system? And when was it introduced in our country? These and other curiosities, you will discover by reading the text April 8 is National Braille Day! Afterwards, be sure to answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Braille is used all over the world to teach blind people to read. It is a tactile writing and reading system based on 64 raised symbols. With it, it is possible to represent letters, numbers and punctuation marks. It is used by people who are blind or have low vision, who use the touch of one or two hands to perform the reading, taken from left to right.
This system of symbols was created by the Frenchman Louis Braille (1809 – 1852). He became blind after having, at the age of 3, his eye pierced by a tool from his father's workshop. The wound became infected, the infection spread and he ended up losing sight of the other eye […]
The origin of the tactile writing system, however, is linked to the French army. In the 1800s, during the war, soldiers needed to decode messages in the dark so as not to attract the attention of enemies. It was then that Charles Barbier de La Serre had the idea of creating a method that used touch. The proposal was not successful among members of the troop and de La Serre ended up adapting it for the blind.
Braille came to know La Serre's method when he was studying at the National Institute for the Blind in Paris. The 12-year-old boy dedicated himself to studying it and began to improve it. At the age of 15, in 1824, Braille simplified the original system, including numerical and musical notation. He became a professor at the Institute and, four years later, launched his own method of communication.
The acceptance of what he proposed was not immediate and one of the main teachers at the school even banned its use by children. […] At the institute where he taught, the new code was only officially adopted two years after his death, in 1852.
In Brazil, the system was introduced in 1854, the same time as the inauguration of the Benjamin Constant Institute, in Rio de Janeiro.
The date was chosen to honor José Álvares de Azevedo, the first blind teacher in Brazil, who had his birthday on April 8th.
José de Azevedo was born blind and, at the age of 10, was sent to Paris to study at the Royal Institute of the Blind. There he learned the newly created Braille system. Upon returning to Brazil, he taught and spread Braille throughout the country.
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Question 1 - In the passage “This is a tactile system for writing and reading based on 64 symbols in relief.”, the author of the text:
( ) evaluates Braille.
( ) defines Braille.
( ) characterizes Braille.
Question 2 - In this part, the author explains the purpose of Braille. Highlight the term that evidences this:
"Braille is used all over the world to teach people who can't see how to read."
Question 3 - Reread this fragment:
"The origin of the tactile writing system, however, is linked to the French army."
In this fragment, the expression "however" indicates:
( ) a reservation made by the author of the text.
( ) a contrast established by the author of the text.
( ) a compensation presented by the author of the text.
Question 4 – In “[..] when studied at the National Institute […]”, the highlighted verb expresses:
( ) a continuous fact.
( ) a sporadic fact.
( ) a passing fact.
Question 5 - In the sentence “The 12-year-old boy dedicated himself to studying him […]”, the word “lo” refers to:
Question 6 – According to the text, Braille “launched its own method of communication”, which was officially adopted at the institute where he taught:
( ) in 1824.
( ) in 1852.
( ) in 1854.
Question 7 – According to the text, who "taught and spread Braille" throughout Brazil was:
( ) Louis Braille.
( ) Charles Barbier de La Serre.
( ) José Álvares de Azevedo.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.