In this post we selected the most beautiful Animal drawings, ready to print and color. Choose yours animal drawing and have fun.
To color drawings is a activity extremely important and that encourages the development of several essential capabilities. draw and to color they are forms of personal expression par excellence for children, who are not always able to express themselves adequately through speech or writing.
See too: Traffic week to color
When painting your design, there are some materials that can be used, check out the list:
Note: It is always important to pay attention to your age.
These are small animal drawings, see:
Sheep to print:
Sheep is a ruminant bovine mammal of the Caprinae subfamily.
Dog coloring:
The dog, also called dog in Brazil, is a carnivorous mammal of the family of canids, a subspecies of the wolf, and perhaps the oldest animal domesticated by humans.
Elephant is the generic and popular term by which members of the Elephantidae family are called.
Toad is a generic designation of predominantly terrestrial amphibians of the order Anura, with wrinkled skin, and wart-like parotoid glands.
Owls – 5 beautiful animal drawings and owl patterns to print and color:
Butterflies to print and paint:
Monkey, Lion, Giraffe, Bird and Zebra:
Rabbits are lagomorph mammals of the leporidae family, in general of the genera Oryctolagus and Sylvilagus. They are characterized by the short tail, the ears and also their long legs.
Squirrels belong to a large family of small and medium-sized rodent mammals known as Sciuridae. In Brazil, they are also known as serelepe, caxinguelê, caxinxe, quatimirim, quatipuru, agutipuru or acutipuru.
Ants are insects belonging to the Formicidae family of the order Hymenoptera. They are particularly popular insects because they are very common and are considered to be highly organized.
Bees are flying insects known for their important role in pollination. They belong to the order Hymenoptera, of the Apoidea superfamily, Anthophila subgroup, and are related to wasps and ants.
The cat, also known as house cat, urban cat or domestic cat, is a carnivorous mammal of the felid family, very popular as a pet. Occupying the top of the food chain, it is a natural predator of several animals, such as rodents, birds, lizards and some insects.
See several Drawings to color about farm animals, ready to print.
The goat is a subspecies of C. Domesticated aegagrus from the wild goat of southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. The goat is a member of the Bovidae family of animals and the Caprinae subfamily, meaning it is closely related to sheep.
Sheep or Sheep (Sheep):
Sheep is a ruminant bovine mammal of the Caprinae subfamily. The ram is the male of the ewe and the juveniles are lambs, lambs or lambs. It is an animal of enormous economic importance as a source of meat, dairy products, wool and leather.
Horse is a herbivorous mammal of the order of the ungulates, one of the three modern subspecies of the species Equus ferus. The name for females is mare, for uncastrated males it is stallion, for castrated males it is capon, and for young it is foal.
Galinha and Galo are, respectively, the female and male of the Gallus gallus domesticus species of Galliform and Phasianid birds. Juveniles are called chickens, and chicks, chicks, chicks or chicks. These birds have a small beak, fleshy crest, scaly legs and short, wide wings.
Domestic cattle is a species of bovine of the genus Bos and of the order Artiodactyla. It is an ungulate mammal and has two digits on each limb. The male of the species is known as an ox, or bull, while the female is known as a cow and the young animal as a calf, and then a bull.
The duck, in the broad sense, is a bird that belongs to the Anatidae family. In a less broad sense, but not Stricto sensu, it is a size class defining birds generally smaller than anserids and can be found in both fresh and salt water.
Pig is the name given to the different species of bunodonts, artiodactyls, non-ruminant mammals of the suiformes suborder, to which the domestic pig and other species and genera belong.
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