Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, about the pronouns. Relative pronoun, possessive, demonstrative, indefinite… Are we going to identify them and understand the role they play in the communicative context? Then answer the questions based on the text. Brazil before Brazilians, written by André Prous!
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In Brazil, the first studies of archaeological remains are due to P. Lund, a pioneer in paleontology, who in 1843 found human bones mixed with those of missing animals in the caves of Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais. At that time, large animals were believed to have disappeared with the biblical flood, and Lund he was the first to think of the existence of an antediluvian man in the Americas, but in that he was not followed. He also described to the European public polished stone tools found by peasants and claimed that the heaps of shells found on the Brazilian coast (the sambaquis) were the work of the first inhabitants of the place. This was important in recognizing the human origin of similar sites that exist in northern Europe.
At the end of the 19th century, the first archaeological excavations were carried out in the sambaquis of Santa Catarina, by Von den Steinen, and in sites in Amapá, by Emílio Goeldi. From the perspective of that time, it was essentially about finding objects that let you know which was the “evolutionary level” reached by Brazilian indigenous peoples in relation to a scale established in the Europe. The natives of Brazil were considered to be very primitive and that their ancestors would be incapable of crafting the beautiful ceramics and stone sculptures found in various places. Thus, many attributed the Marajoara pottery to Phoenician or Greek peoples – who would have landed here in Antiquity – and the sculptures of the shell mounds to an influence from the Andean cultures.
PROUS, Andrew. “Brazil before Brazilians”. Available in: .
Question 1 - Identify the sentence in which the highlighted word plays the role of pronoun:
a) “[…] believed-if that the large animals had disappeared […]"
b) “[…] and stated that you heaps of shells found on the Brazilian coast […]”
c) “[…] know which it was the “evolutionary plateau” reached by Brazilian indigenous people […]”
d) “[…] and the sculptures of the shell mounds The an influence of Andean cultures.”
Question 2 - In “In the perspective of that time […]”, the word “that” is the contraction of a preposition with the demonstrative pronoun “that”. Inform it:
Question 3 - In the passage "That was important for the recognition of the human origin of similar sites […]”, the highlighted pronoun:
a) explains information.
b) retrieves information.
c) announces information.
d) adds information.
Question 4 – Taking into account the function noted above, it can be concluded that "That" is a pronoun:
a) undefined
b) interrogative
c) staff
d) statement
Question 5 - The "what" is a relative pronoun in the sentence:
a) “[…] P. Lund, a pioneer of paleontology, who found it in 1843 […]”
b) “At that time, it was believed that large animals had disappeared […]”
c) “[…] and stated that the piles of shells found on the Brazilian coast […]”
d) “The natives of Brazil were considered to be very primitive […]”
Question 6 – In the excerpt “[…] your ancestors would be unable to elaborate the beautiful ceramics […]”, the pronoun “yours” indicates the idea of:
b) possession
c) time
d) mode
Question 7 – Please note the terms highlighted below:
"It was considered that the natives of Brazil were much primitives […]"
"Thus, Many attributed to Marajoara ceramics […]"
It can be said that:
a) The two terms function as indefinite pronouns.
b) The first is an intensity adverb, the second is an indefinite pronoun.
c) The first is an indefinite pronoun, the second is an intensity adverb.
d) The two terms function as adverbs of intensity.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.