Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, aims to classification of nouns. The proposed questions are based on the text on thestonemason? How about meeting him? How about classifying the name of this bird? So, do the following activity!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Download this Portuguese exercise at:
The Espinhaço bricklayer lives in a restricted area of 490 square kilometers, in Serra do Cipó, in Minas Gerais, where it builds nests in tunnels opened in rock crevices. It is very common to see it in rupestrian fields, above 1,500 meters in altitude, scratching for insects, or on rocks, near reservoirs or water courses. “He likes water a lot,” says ornithologist Guilherme Freitas, the main author of the article. It is also not difficult to hear the song and cry of this bird, when it is perched in bushes, or when in flight.
Available at: www.oeco.org.br. (Fragment).
Question 1 - In “The stone mason lives in an area restricted […]", the underlined term:
( ) explains the noun “area”.
( ) complements the noun “area”.
( ) characterizes the noun “area”.
Question 2 - The text above contains three proper nouns. Identify them:
Question 3 - Classify the noun “brickstone” by marking the following:
( ) common ( ) own
( ) concrete ( ) abstract
( ) simple ( ) compound
Question 4 – The abstract noun "Refuge" means:
( ) a state
( ) an action
( ) a quality
Question 5 - With regard to gender, the noun "insects" is:
( ) epicene
( ) super common
( ) common of two genders
Question 6 – In the passage “It's not difficult to hear the corner it's the shout of that bird […]”, the highlighted terms perform the function of:
( ) verbs
( ) adjectives
( ) nouns
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.