Check out several Easter Text Interpretation Activities, ready to print. are excellent educational activities to work on reading and understanding the text with students from Elementary School.
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See more: Easter Activity Sequence
Text: The legend of Easter
Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but we have a very nice symbol, which is the bunny, with its egg. A lot of people ask why, since the rabbit doesn't lay eggs. So here's the answer for you to get really smart.
The egg is the symbol of birth and resurrection. Legend has it that Simon, who helped Christ carry the Cross to Calvary, was an egg seller. After the crucifixion, he noticed that, as if by a miracle, the eggs were colored.
The rabbit was a symbol of fertility in ancient Egypt. Thus, the rabbit hides the colored eggs in nests so that children can look for them as Easter gifts.
Extracted from “Guias dos Curiosos” by Marcelo Duarte.
Easter Text Interpretation Activities – The Secrets of Easter Eggs
There is a lot of life that is born from an egg, isn't there? There's an egg with a bird's life inside, an egg with a chick's life, an egg with a lizard's life, an egg with a snake's life... There's an egg of all sizes and life in all ways...
But what is born from an Easter egg? That I didn't know and I went to ask Dona Galinha.
– Dona Galinha, the lady who is an egg specialist, tell me something: what is born from an Easter egg?
Dona Galinha, very spiteful with the competition from the bunnies, cackled:
– Nothing is born, my daughter! It's rotten egg, fake egg, fake! These bunnies' craziness these days. I never heard that a rabbit knew about eggs, hatching and all! Self-respecting egg has a chick inside!
The rooster appeared and I quickly left the yard. I walked around and around until I found Dona Coruja in a tree. I repeated my question:
– O Lady Owl, please tell me: what is born from an Easter egg?
Mrs. Owl giggled superiorly, bulging her eyes wide and said:
– Of course, little owls are born. Owls, as everyone knows, are the cutest animals in the world! My kids are very smart, very…
I left Dona Owl praising herself alone and went ahead, on my way. And on my way there was a snake. I was soon asking:
– Oh Dona Cobra, tell me, if possible: what is born from an Easter egg?
– Snakes, well…
And continued winding its way.
And I stayed there, under that other tree, shocking my thoughts. Until the idea of looking for Dona Coelha was born in my head. After all, she must know all about Easter eggs.
I walked around here and there, until I found her little house.
Dona Coelha's house looked more like an anthill! There were bunnies of all sizes, colors and ages. Everyone making Easter eggs. Dona Coelha stirred a pot on a wood stove, singing a little song, and the rabbits repeated the refrain:
– My lemon, my lemon tree, / my jacaranda tree, / once having-read-read, / again having-read-there...
Excusing myself, I went through the middle of the bunnies until I got close to Dona Coelha and immediately spoke of my doubts.
– Sorry Mrs. Coelha, I went around asking what is born from an Easter egg, and nobody knew how to answer me correctly until now. Dona Galinha said that nothing was born. Mrs. Owl said that little owls were born. Cobra, little snakes. I don't understand anything anymore. I never heard that there were snakes inside an Easter egg! They are kidding me, aren't they?
Mrs. Rabbit smiled:
-Each person puts a little bit of their life in their Easter egg. Owl's egg becomes an owl. Snake's egg turns into a snake, a gecko's egg turns into a gecko… You have to be very careful with what you put inside the Easter eggs.
I still didn't understand anything. But Dona Coelha continued to explain:
– What the person puts inside the Easter egg is born. Friendship is born, affection is born, hope is born, happiness is born...
Dona Coelha and her huge family continued to sing happily when I left there loaded with Easter eggs.
And do you know what happened when I got home? Do not know?
I got my Easter cards to send along with the eggs to my friends. And I was writing everything that I felt was being born in my heart for each one of them.
The hope of a beautiful future for Pedro was born, the desire for a peaceful life for Madalena…
I hung the cards on the Easter eggs and it seemed to me that each egg glowed with life!
1 – Interpretation of the story: According to the story, write:
a) What is the narrator's curiosity: _______
b) Main Character: _______________
c) Secondary characters: ___________
2 – The narrator of this narrative is:
( ) narrator character.
( ) observer narrator.
Explain: _________________________________
3 – Connect the characters to the facts of the story:
a) Chicken ( ) hissed his hasty response.
b) Owl ( ) had a huge family.
c) Snake ( ) egg specialist.
d) Rabbit ( ) was thought superior to other animals.
4- In the text there were two symbols of Easter, which are they and why?
5 – Write two adjectives for each animal in the story:
6 – Complete the sentence with the true meaning of Easter:
Easter is_____________________________.
7 – Remove from the sentence what is asked:
“Dona Coelha and her huge family continued to sing”.
a) a common noun: _________
b) an adjective: _____________
8 – Write the message you extract from this text.
9 – What punctuation marks did the author use in this text?
10 – How do you usually celebrate Easter?
11 – Make an Easter card for your family, wishing for the best in your heart.
More in: Sequence of Activities to work on Easter
Easter Text Interpretation Activities to print
Easter Text Interpretation Activities
“What a nice day! Of Sun! Warm!” Dona Galinha even thought: “Today is good for a walk”. Then she pushed open the henhouse gate with her beak and went out for a little walk.
Peck here, peck there, Dona Galinha came across something shiny, very strange! It looked like an egg… The most beautiful egg she had ever seen in her life!
– What a decorated egg! It can only be peacock's egg! …
Actually. Dona Galinha did not know that it was Easter Sunday and that someone had dropped a chocolate egg in the backyard.
Still very suspicious, Dona Galinha touched, listened, smelled the egg and gathered courage:
– I'm taking this poor foundling home!
And off went Dona Galinha with the egg by the beak, all happy. She put him in a hidden corner of the chicken coop, and started to think: “How am I going to shock him?…”.
At this point, the entire chicken coop was already talking about the story.
Mr. Parrot, who had seen everything from his perch, broke the news to the four winds of the yard:
– Hello!… Attention to shocking news!… Found egg decorated with a red ribbon, from unknown parents. More information with Dona Galinha, in the backyard.
1 – Write the requested information:
2 – Answer:
a) What did Dona Galinha find in the backyard? What did she think it was?
b) In what way did everyone in the chicken coop find out what had happened?
c) How did the parrot describe the egg?
d) What do you think happened after Dona Galinha took the egg home?
3 – Mark the expression that has the same meaning as the one highlighted in each sentence.
a) Dona Galinha left the chicken coop to take a walk.
( ) turn around ( ) take a little walk
b) The hen saw a strange thing.
( ) spoiled ( ) out of the ordinary ( ) new
c) Dona Galinha took the foundling egg home.
( ) abandoned ( ) suspicious ( ) broken
4 – Check the correct information, according to the text.
( ) Dona Galinha, upon finding the egg, immediately picked it up and took it to
() Dona Galinha, upon finding the egg, was suspicious, but after examining it, she decided to take it home.
( ) Dona Galinha, upon seeing the egg, was not interested in it and continued to walk.
5 – Enumerate the sentences according to their occurrence in the text:
( ) The hen takes the egg home.
( ) The chicken was walking in the backyard.
( ) The hen found a strange egg.
6 – Write, in your notebook, an ending to this narrative, including the moral lesson.
Easter Text Interpretation Activities
In a small village, there was a small house. In this house lived an old lady.
She raised a chicken and a rabbit.
The hen had her nest under the stairs and there she laid her eggs.
The rabbit lived loose on the lawn surrounding the house.
The hen clucked every time she laid an egg, and the old lady ran to collect the egg that the hen laid and fed her good food.
The old lady was very fond of the carijó, which had a red crest, yellow paws and colored feathers...
She also liked the rabbit, which had a split lip, big ears and fluffy white fur.
One day, the old lady hears the chicken cackling so loudly and so happily:
– I put it, I put it, I put it! Even the rabbit was startled and had its ears pricked up.
The old lady descended the stairs very quickly, bent down and saw in the nest a very large egg, with multicolored stains. It was so beautiful that she never tired of admiring it. She very carefully picked it up and took it to the kitchen.
She wondered what she would do to him. She couldn't eat it as it was too beautiful and she couldn't leave it as an ornament either, as it might fall and break.
The rabbit that was beside her said to her:
– And if I give it to a child? Easter is coming and for sure whoever receives it will be very happy.
The old lady replied:
– The idea is good, but for which child? I know so many.
She thought for a moment and exclaimed:
– I know, I'm going to gather a lot of eggs from the carijó hen and after painting them I'll give them to all the children.
Hopping and happy, the rabbit said:
– I'll help paint too.
So said, so done.
The carijó hen laid many eggs. The old woman collected them in a wicker basket and together with the white rabbit, she painted them. They were so beautiful:
multicolored, red, green, blue, yellow, purple. Some striped, others with polka dots and even flowers.
On Easter Sunday, the old lady placed them in a beautiful basket and the white rabbit distributed them to all the children in the village.
(Lithuanian Tale by Nijole Jankute- Free translation by Olga Prokopowit) Source: http://criancagenial.blogspot.com/2008/02/conto-de-pscoa.html
a) What is the true meaning of Easter?
b) How do you usually celebrate Easter?
c) Why is the rabbit considered a symbol of Easter?
d) Why is Easter celebrated with lots of sweets and foods?
e) What message has history left us?
f) What will your commitment be this Easter?
g) And what will your concrete gesture be this Easter?
Others Activities – The Easter Bunny
Text Reading and Interpretation for 3rd year:
Easter Text Interpretation Activities
Easter and the Lamb
Easter is a Christian religious event, normally considered by churches linked to this religious current as the greatest and most important festival in Christendom. At Easter Christians celebrate the Resurrection (victory over death) of Jesus Christ after his death by crucifixion.
Easter is one of the festivals that have more symbols, there are several such as: the Easter Egg, the Rabbit, the Wheat… But, we will talk now about the lamb…
The lamb is the oldest symbol of the Passover, as it is the symbol of the covenant made between God and the Jewish people at the Passover of the old law. In the Old Testament, Passover was celebrated with unleavened bread (unleavened) and the sacrifice of a lamb as a reminder of the great deed of God on behalf of his people: the liberation from the slavery of the Egypt. Thus the people of Israel celebrated God's deliverance and covenant with his people.
Moses, chosen by God to free the Jewish people from the slavery of the pharaohs, commemorated the passage to freedom by sacrificing a lamb.
For Christians, the lamb is Jesus himself, Lamb of God, who was sacrificed on the cross for our sins, and whose blood redeemed us: “by dying, he destroyed our death, and rising again, he restored us to life". And the new Covenant of God made by His Son, now not only with one people, but with all peoples.
Texts taken from the internet
– Now, let's interpret it?
a) What is Easter?
b) What do we celebrate at Easter?
c) What does the lamb at Passover mean?
d) What does unleavened bread mean?
a) Easter is one of the most important festivals for the Catholic Church.
b) The Easter Bear is an Easter symbol.
c) Easter egg is an Easter symbol.
d) Easter is a profane feast (it does not belong to the Catholic Church).
a) The ______________ is a symbol of Passover.
b) The __________________ is the oldest symbol of Passover.
c) For Catholics, Jesus Christ was sacrificed for our ________________________.
d) In the Old Testament, ___________________ was celebrated with unleavened bread and the sacrifice of a lamb.
( ) The lamb was sacrificed for the sake of liberation from slavery in Egypt
( ) Passover was not celebrated in Israel.
( ) We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at Easter.
( ) The lamb was a great paschal symbol for the people of Israel.
a) What does Resurrection mean?
b) Describe how Easter is celebrated in Brazil:
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