Check this post for suggestions for science education activities, to work the Physical States of Water with students from initial series.
Excellent activities to work on in the classroom or as a homework assignment.
The main purpose of this activity (Physical states of Water) is to observe the cycle of water and identify the passages of the physical states.
For this activity we will need the following materials:
Water from springs, rivers, seas, as well as that which comes out of the tap is liquid.
If heat heats up liquid water, it rises in the form of steam. It becomes gaseous and mixes with the air. It goes up and clouds will form.
The cold can make the soda water turn into liquid water again, in the form of
Clouds are formed by these droplets, when gaseous water meets cool air. That's why we see clouds even though we don't see soda water.
Clouds produce rain when droplets that were small come together.
Larger droplets fall quickly to the earth.
In places where it is very cold, such as the North Pole or South Pole, on very high mountain peaks or in the fridge freezer, the water becomes solid. It gets hard as crystal.
Water appears in nature in different aspects.
The water that comes out of the tap, which forms rivers, lakes, wells, ponds, oceans,
it presents itself in a liquid state. On ice, on snow, it is solid. In clouds, in water vapor, in the gaseous state.
What causes changes in the physical states of water is the change in
What are the physical states of water?
According to the text where can we find water in:
The. Liquid state:
B. Solid state:
ç. Gaseous state:
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