Check this post for an excellent suggestion for Christmas Lesson Plan to work with students from Elementary School. Do you know how this commemorative date came about?
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With these classes, students will be able to learn about the historical aspects of Christmas, in particular, how it came about and how it is celebrated in some countries. In cognitive terms, the following skills will be worked on:
Approximately 150 minutes; Three (3) Lessons.
There is no need for prior knowledge to be worked on for the development of these classes.
The strategies used will be:
To start discussions about the topic of these classes, the teacher should show students the following images (Figs. 1 and 2) and ask what they know about these and what they mean.
after listening to the knowledge that the students have about these two figures, about what they represent to them, the teacher will have to ask a question, in order to make them excited to know the answer, which follows bellow:
“Do you know how the Christmas celebration came about? Is Christmas in all parts of the world celebrated the same way we celebrate it here in Brazil?”
The teacher will listen to the students' answers, and will tell them that after the development of the next activities they will answer this same question based on the results of the research they will do.
Then, students should go to the Computer Laboratory to carry out research in different sources, including the Internet, and then answer the questions asked by the teacher.
We suggest that students be divided into groups, pairs or trios, to carry out research on the theme of Christmas.
The teacher should, in addition to indicating some sites for research, provide students with other sources of consultation and research, such as: newspapers, magazines, books, leaflets, among other materials that address the subject of Christmas.
The themes for the research are:
After developing the research, and discussing them with the teacher and other students, the questions asked at the beginning of this class should be taken up and discussed with the students. In addition, students must, even in groups, prepare a report on “Christmas in the world”. This report can be filmed and, on another occasion, transmitted to the other students of the school. Each group may be responsible for talking about a country, how the celebration of Christmas is done, how is the phrase "Merry Christmas" in the language spoken by the country they were responsible for, among other information they consider relevant.
In order to complete these classes, each student must individually write an essay about Christmas. This writing may be in the “Letter” style and must contain information on the researched subjects.
We suggest that the essay proposal is that each student will write a letter to a friend or relative in which tell everything they learned at school about Christmas in different parts of the world, especially about the history of Christmas.
The competence of writing an essay is extremely important and must be worked with students from the first grades of Initial Elementary School!
The assessment must take place at all times. It is important for the teacher to understand at the end of classes whether the students understand the meaning of Christmas in different parts of the world. The teacher should also evaluate the following aspects:
To make it easier check out the Christmas lesson plan shown above in PDF, to download check out the link below:
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