Portuguese activity, proposed to students in the third or fourth year of elementary school, with exercises on the use of “S” and “SS”.
This activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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1) Note the words below, then add the letter “S” after the first syllable and form other words.
sinner |
love |
drop |
Bowl |
paw |
rows |
cat |
Apple |
fig |
rich |
quota |
piece |
Grand daugther |
mouse |
2) Now add “s” or “SS” in the words below:
a.mo__ca m.o__o
b.pá__aro n.dino__auro
c.pa__a o.gira__ol
d.ve__taken p.mae__tro
e.i__ca q.car__el
f.__eis r. r.a__ma
g.pa__ado s.pa__ma
h.pa__arela t.va__oura
i.pê__ego u.bú__ola
j.pi__ta v.trave__eiro
k.ago__to w.su__piro
l.ma__tigar x.revi__ta
3) Solve the crossword below. Use a dictionary.
1.Series of steps.
2.Fear caused by noise or
something unexpected.
3.Toothpick used to light fire.
4.Object that reflects an image.
5.Food made from flour with water.
6.Material that has elasticity, that stretches.
4) Cut out 10 words written with “S” and 10 with “SS” from old newspapers or magazines.
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva – Graduated in Letters
At answers are in the link above the header.