Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, aims to study the punctuation marks. They are indispensable to the writing of texts, isn't it? Are we going to analyze them? Then answer the questions based on the text. How did Friday the 13th come about. On purpose, the title was transcribed without the punctuation mark… How about identifying it?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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One of the explanations for the superstition is in the story of Jesus Christ: he would have been crucified on a Friday and, at the last supper with the apostles, there would be 13 people at the table. Another theory is in Norse mythology, where Loki, the spirit of evil and discord, would have invaded a banquet for 12 gods and caused the most confusion (he would be the 13th). The date may also be related to the arrest of the Knights Templar (an order of cavalry that was powerful in Europe) on a Friday the 13th, by order of Philip the Beautiful, King of France, in 1307.
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Question 1 - Note that the title of the text was transcribed without a punctuation mark. Check the alternative where it was correctly added:
( ) “How did Friday the 13th come about!”
( ) "How did Friday the 13th come about."
( ) "How did Friday the 13th come about?"
Question 2 - It can be said that the colon introduces:
( ) a conclusion
( ) a comparison
( ) one explanation
Question 3 - In the first sentence of the text, the commas indicate:
( ) an omission
( ) an insert
( ) an enumeration
Question 4 – The information in parentheses performs the syntactic function of:
( ) bet
( ) adnominal assistant
( ) nominal complement
Question 5 - The full stop was used in the text to close:
( ) prayers
( ) sentences
( ) periods
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.