Portuguese activity guides the study of prepositions. Seventh-year elementary school students are asked to identify the prepositions and the relationships of meaning established by them in the moving text motherless calf. Let's go?
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It was on a cattle farm, at the time of year when cows give birth. Every cow satisfied with her calf. But two of them were sad to be pitied: a cow that had lost its calf and a calf that had lost its mother.
The cow even seemed to be crying, with her breasts full of milk, with no child to suckle. And the motherless calf moaned, starving and abandoned.
It was useless to put the two together, because the cow wouldn't accept it. She smelled that the orphaned calf was not her child, and she pushed him away.
Then the cowboy remembered the hide of the dead calf, which was drying in the sun. She wrapped the motherless calf in that leather and took the little animal in disguise to the childless cow.
Well, it was a beauty! The cow licked the leather, smelled her son and allowed the other to suckle at will. And for three days it was that masquerade. But on the fourth day, the cow suddenly poked its nose into the hide and pulled off the disguise. She licked the calf straight, as if to say, "Now you're adopted."
And they were both in the greatest love, like a real son and mother.
Rachel de Queiroz [et al.]. “Boys, I count”. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2002.
Question 1 - Mark the purpose of the text above:
a) debate a topic.
b) give information.
c) defend an opinion.
d) tell a story.
Question 2 - The narrator presents an opinion about a fact in:
a) "But two of them were sad to be sorry [...]"
b) "The cow even seemed to be crying, with her breasts full of milk [...]"
c) “it was no use putting the two together, because the cow would not accept it.”
d) "But on the fourth day, the cow suddenly stuck her snout into the hide and pulled out the disguise."
Question 3 - In the segment "Is it over there felt by the smell that the orphan calf was not a son her, and pushed him away.”, the underlined terms refer to:
Question 4 – Watch:
"Motherless calf"
a) The main term:
b) The dependent term:
c) The preposition that joins the terms:
d) The relationship of meaning established by the preposition:
Question 5 - In the excerpt “And the motherless calf moaned, starving and abandoned.”, the preposition “of” expresses the relationship of:
the possession
b) cause
c) origin
d) mode
Question 6 – The preposition "of" forms an adverbial phrase in the sentence:
a) "But two of them were sad to be sorry [...]"
b) “[…] with breasts full of milk […]”
c) “But on the fourth day, the cow suddenly stuck its snout into the hide […]”
d) “[…] as a real son and mother.”
Question 7 – “It was on a cattle farm […]”. The word "numa" is a result of the contraction:
a) of the preposition “of” with the article “an”.
b) from the preposition “to” with the article “one”.
c) of the preposition “in” with the article “an”.
d) of the preposition “by” with the article “an”.
Question 8 – Mark the passage in the text in which the underlined preposition expresses the purpose relationship:
a) "Each cow fully satisfied with her calf.”
b) “[…] childless for”
c) “[…] and pushed him for”
in per three days was that masquerade."
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.