O herpes is a virus which currently affects thousands of people every day, precisely 66% per cent of the population is affected. most of them may or may not develop the virus during their lifetime, it is caused by two species of virus, Chickenpox-Zoster and O hypervirus.
O herpes can affecting different parts of the body, such as the genital and oral regions, both are the most common cases found. Let's get to know a little more about this disease?
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, Herpes is caused by two viruses that can lead to diseases that originate from Herpes, such as the Virus Chickenpox-Zoster, it can cause chickenpox, which still has high rates of people infected with the virus, and also shingles, or known scientifically as zoster, and finally we have the Herpes Virus, which can be of two types, virus types 1 and 2, it can cause what we call herpes simplex or simple.
Chickenpox Zoster Virus: The virus causes shingles and chickenpox, some risk groups may have the disease, such as people who have already had contact with other patients with chickenpox or even with shingles, with the possibility of acquiring the virus again. Generally shingles appears in people who have already had chickenpox, that's right, patients who have already had chickenpox there may be a recurrence of the virus, the body is left with a species of a dormant virus in the body, this virus can be reactivated due to the low immunity of the patient due to several factors, causing the onset of shingle. Symptoms may be apparent as:
If the bubbles were burst, they release a clear liquid, becoming transparent, they can appear in up to 3 days after the onset of symptoms of the disease, with adequate treatment, the blisters last for an average of 10 to 21 days.
Risk groups are people who have had chickenpox, babies and children. Shingles can be transmitted by contact with lesions and respiratory droplets.
In addition to the skin, the zoster virus can affect vision and the heart, causing heart attacks and strokes.
People who have had a transplant recently and chronic illnesses such as (diabetes, AIDS)
The treatment can take place both at the clinical level and at the home level, being more advisable, of course, the clinical level that allows the level of medications specific to fight the body's virus, the possible drugs are antivirals, anti-inflammatory drugs and follow-up with a dermatologist for evaluation of the injuries caused and the prescription of correct medications for each case, especially creams that help to assess the symptoms, such as pain in the skin.
There are vaccines already available to fight the zoster virus, available only in private networks, it is a highly powerful vaccine and expensive, and only indicated for patients over 50 years of age, as it is at this age that the level of immunity is decreasing.
The home treatment together with the medical clinical picture can be used powerful teas, such as burdock tea and blackberry leaves, the teas are placed directly on the wound to relieve pain, remembering that home treatment does not replace treatment doctor.
Prevention is simple and we can all follow and guide other people, how to wash our hands properly when coming into contact with the wounds caused, vaccination, patients who are with the virus in not so serious cases, they must wait for the disappearance of the wounds for social contact, and those hospitalized, must stay away until the clinical picture is favorable.
HERPES SIMPLEX: Herpes simplex as mentioned can be caused by two types of virus, herpes simplex virus, HSV, which mainly affects the labial part, HSV-2, which affects the genital parts.
Type 1 herpes affects mainly the labral region, and may appear due to emotional factors, stress, the symptoms can cause some discomfort in the labial part of the mouth, as tingling accompanied by itching for no apparent reason, during the process of virus development there may be blisters followed by sores.
Many people have the virus present in their bodies, but many do not develop because they have immunity high compared to other people who develop the virus due to the flu, stress and especially the emotional.
Lip transmission can occur through kissing, through the exchange of saliva, objects already contaminated with some type of virus or bacteria that are taken to the mouth.
The disease disappears according to the person's immunity, that is, if immunity is at a high level, the virus disappears in less than 12 days.
Herpes type 2, on the other hand, develops in the genital region, affects the vulva, penis, groin, anus, buttocks, this occurs through the the fact that there is no safe protection during the sexual act, which can lead to other more serious diseases, such as STD.,
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As we know, once the virus is in the body, it is no longer eliminated and can remain for life. Treatments may involve antivirals and maintaining immunity at a high level, applying ice to the affected area, using ointments at the very beginning of symptoms. avoiding the appearance of blisters, treatment with Lysine, it is a recent medication and under evaluation, it prevents the virus from multiplying in our body, thus enhancing the strengthening of our immune system, it can be obtained through foods such as fruits, meat, vegetables, milk, among others.
It is important to avoid heat sources and exposure to high sun, as both can cause lip and skin dryness, use products that moisturize the affected part and mainly avoid stress and sharing objects, such as glasses, lipsticks, cutlery, and mainly taking care of food, that is, avoiding foods that can activate the virus, such as chocolate, grapes, pineapple, are foods of great acid content.
The diagnosis can be made by the person, identifying the characteristics and symptoms of the infection, if it is necessary, the doctor can order blood tests, which identify factors of changes reaching the causative agent of infection
Many are unaware that the herpes virus may have a strong link with Alzheimer's, that's right, elderly people who have had the herpes can develop Alzheimer's, this research was carried out by two professors and they came to the conclusion that there is a strong link between they.
This is because the herpes virus installs itself in the brain of elderly people, with this factor if the elderly is with low immunity together with the genetic factor, the virus is reactivated, which can cause the Alzheimer's
Antivirals can be a great ally in fighting the disease, remembering that Alzheimer's is still a great challenge for medicine, and this research is just an initial observation in view of what can be built in the future.
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