Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, about simple guy. When does the subject classify in this way? Let's understand? Then answer the proposed questions based on the text garbage math.
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Let's do the calculation to find out how much garbage is produced in your city? Normally, a person produces an average of one and a half kilograms of household waste per day. Find out the number of inhabitants in your city and multiply by 1.5. Did the math? This result indicates the amount of garbage produced in a single day.
To find out the amount of garbage that the inhabitants produce in a year, multiply the value found by 365 days. Your account result is a huge number, isn't it? So we've come to the conclusion that it takes a lot of space to dump all that garbage!
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine.
Edition 274. Available in:
. (With cut).
Question 1 - In “Let's do the calculation to find out how much garbage Is Produced in your city?”, the underlined verb indicates the voice:
( ) active of the simple subject.
( ) passive of the simple subject.
( ) reflexive of the simple subject.
Question 2 - Highlight the following simple subject:
"Normally, a person produces an average of one and a half kilograms of household waste per day."
Question 3 - In the part “This result indicates the amount of garbage […]”, the subject is simple:
( ) retrieves information.
( ) announces information.
( ) complements information.
Question 4 - In the excerpt "The result of your account gave a huge number, right?”, the core of the single highlighted subject is:
( ) “result”.
( ) "your".
( ) "account".
Question 5 - In the period “So, we came to the conclusion that a lot of space is needed to dump all this garbage!”, the subject of the verb “arrive” is:
( ) hidden.
( ) simple.
( ) composite.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.