Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, addresses the Indefinite Pronouns. How about analyzing those terms that accompany and replace nouns, expressing the idea of indefiniteness? For this study, answer the questions based on the text. Brasilia: planned city!
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One million cruises. This was the prize promised by the Brazilian government to the winner of the competition to choose the best project for the Brasilia pilot plan, in 1956.
Unlike many cities in the country, which appear “spontaneously”, without much organization, Brasília was very well planned. The choice of the location and project for the new capital of the country was made years in advance so that nothing would go wrong. As the saying goes, it was first necessary to “tidy up the house” and get everything ready for the transfer of the Legislative power, which was previously based in Rio de Janeiro.
At the time, the expectation for the construction of Brasília was very high and everyone was very curious to know what the new capital of the country would be like. In all, 41 projects participated in the contest, each with very different ideas. Want to see it?
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Question 1 - Point out the sentence in which the underlined pronoun expresses the idea of indefiniteness:
( ) “That was the prize promised by the Brazilian government […]"
( ) "[…] and let everything ready for the transfer of the Legislative power […]"
( ) “[…] what before it was headquartered in Rio de Janeiro.”
Question 2 - The word "a lot" or "a lot" plays the role of an indefinite pronoun in the sentence:
( ) “[…] without much organization […]”
( ) “[…] Brasília was very well planned.”
( ) “[…] the expectation for the construction of Brasília was very high […]”
Question 3 - Underline the indefinite pronoun present in this text fragment:
"The choice of the location and project for the new capital of the country was made years in advance so that nothing would go wrong."
Question 4 – In “[…] everyone was very curious […]”, the indefinite pronoun works as:
( ) subject
( ) adnominal assistant
( ) nominal complement
Question 5 - At the end of the text, the indefinite pronoun “each” accompanies the term “one”, which includes:
( ) "parents"
( ) "project"
( ) "competition"
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.