Portuguese activity, focused on ninth grade students, about infinitive verbs. Let's analyze this nominal form in the text. Many plants, many shapes!? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
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For plant specialists botanists, the shape of the stem is a good way to differentiate between species. This part of the plant, responsible for support, can present itself in the following ways: above ground (aerial) or hidden in the ground (underground).
Trees such as almond, mango, avocado and flamboyant have similar size because they have a trunk-like stalk, which grows above the ground and branches at the top, originating the branches. Now, look at a coconut tree, an açaí palm tree or an imperial palm tree. Did you notice that the stem of these trees is very cylindrical? Well, for botanists, it's the stipe type. Plants with this stem do not have branches. The leaves only grow at the top, starting from the stipe. This formation facilitates the swaying of the foliage in the wind.
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine.
Edition 245. Available in:
. (Fragment).
Question 1 - Highlight the infinitive verb in this segment of the text:
“[…] the shape of the stem is a good way to differentiate species.”
Question 2 - In the segment above, the verb in the infinitive is impersonal. Why?
Question 3 - In the excerpt “[…] it can be presented in the following ways […]”, the “if” indicates:
( ) the active voice of the verb in the infinitive.
( ) the passive voice of the verb in the infinitive.
( ) the reflexive voice of the verb in the infinitive.
Question 4 - Watch:
"The leaves only grow at the top, starting from the stem."
The crase before the verb in the infinitive is:
( ) prohibited.
( ) optional.
( ) mandatory.
Question 5 - In the part "This training facilitates the to swing of foliage with the wind.”, does the highlighted word function as a verb in the infinitive or as a substantive word?
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.