Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, proposes the study of nouns. The questions presented were elaborated based on the poem any town, written by Carlos Drummond de Andrade.
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Houses among banana trees
Women among orange trees
Orchard love to sing.
A man goes slowly.
a dog goes slowly
A donkey goes slowly.
Slowly… the windows look.
This silly life, my God.
Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Poetry and prose. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1988.
Question 1 - The poem's first stanza is predominantly composed of nouns. Underline them below:
a) “Houses among banana trees”.
b) “Women among orange trees”.
c) "Orchard love to sing."
Question 2 - Identify the adjective used by the lyrical self in the poem. Then point to the noun it refers to:
Question 3 - Identify the term that defines the nouns in the second stanza of the poem:
Question 4 – The nouns that make up the second stanza of the poem are classified as:
a) common
b) own
c) abstract
d) derivatives
Question 5 - Check the sentence in which the highlighted noun was correctly classified:
a) "Houses between banana trees”. (primitive noun)
b) “Orchard love” (abstract noun)
ç) ".. at windows look." (compound noun)
d) "Eta life beast, my God.” (proper noun)
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.