Portuguese activity, developed for students in the eighth or ninth year of elementary school, with questions about pronominal placement.
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Download this Portuguese exercise at:
- They told me…
- They told me.
- Huh?
– The correct and “I was told”. They didn't "tell me."
– I say how I want. And I tell you more… Or is it “I tell you”? - What?
– I tell you that you…
– The “you” and the “you” do not match.
– I tell you?
- Neither. What were you going to tell me?
– That you are being rude, pedantic and boring. And that I'll break your face. Break your face. Break your face. How do you say it?
(Luis Fernando Verissimo. Comedies to read at school. Rio de Janeiro: Objective, 2008)
1) Analyze the text and answer what is the criticism implied in it?
2) Mark an (X) in the alternative that presents the way Brazilians normally speak:
A.( )correct me ( )correct me
B. ( ) I tell you more ( ) I tell you
C.( ) break your face ( ) break your face
D.( ) they told me ( ) they told me
E.( )would teach me ()teach me
F.( )I'll kill you ( )I'll kill you ( ) I'll kill you
G.( )I'll kill you ( )I'll kill you ( )I'll kill you
3) Tick in buildings that do not comply with the standard standard:
a) I will kill you
b) see if you forget me
c) thank you
d) tell you
e) correct me
f) teach him
g) break your face
h) they told me
i) you know it
4) Analyze the highlighted verbs and associate the right column with the left column, according to what each verb expresses:
I.Express order, advice, request
II. Expresses a possible, doubtful, unrealized fact.
III. Expresses a certain, positive fact.
a.( )”- Okay, okay. Sorry. Speak as you wish."
b.( )”-Enlighten me. Me say it. Teach them to me.”
heaven I talk as I want.”
d.( ) "-The 'you' and the 'you' don't match.
and.( )"-Forgets.”
f.( )"-…if you don't stop to correct me…”
g.( )"-What do you was going to tell me?"
h.( )" Me they said.”
5) Analyze the sentences below and paint those that have proclisis red, those that show mesoclisis blue, and those that show enclisis yellow.
a) I must not say these harsh words to you.
b) I must sing you this song.
c) Children, report immediately to the director.
d) Read the issues before solving them.
e) Will you invite me to the New Year's Eve parties?
f) They never invited me to this trendy party.
g) That is how the difficulties are resolved.
h) I would invite you to walk with me this end of the year.
6) Check out an excerpt of the song “Dar-te-ei” by the interpreter Marcelo Jeneci:
"I won't give you flowers I won't give you they wither, they die
I won't give you presents I won't give you as they age and fade
I won't give you candy I won't give you they run out, they melt
I won't give you parties I won't give you they end, they cry, they're gone
I will finally give you my kisses
I will let these lips be mine, be yours.
These pack…these dry…but these stay.
I won't give you pets I won't give you because they want, they eat
I won't give you papers I won't give you, these rip, these smudge
I won't give you records, they repeat, they scratch
I won't give you coats I won't give you, nor those things that keep you and that go away
I will give you myself now
And I will be more than someone who runs to the end
This one dies…gets old…ends up and cries…loves and wants…desperates this one…but this one comes back.”
a) Analyze the title of the song: I will give it to you and answer if the pronoun 'te' is placed in the correct position according to the current standard regarding pronominal placement.
b) The expression “I will not give you”:
( ) the occurrence of the proclisis is correct, because the “no” draws the pronoun closer to itself, so the pronoun must be before the verb.
( )is incorrect, as the enclisis should occur.
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva- Graduated in Literature and Pedagogy and postgraduated in Special Education
At answers are in the link above the header.