Activity of text interpretation, aimed at fifth-year students, about a highlight of swimming. According to the author, this animal is only seen at night and, in general, swimming and diving. What animal is this, huh? Let's find out? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the proposed interpretive questions!
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To get to know the cuíca-d’água, we recommend a flashlight and a willingness to get wet. It's just that this animal is only seen at night and, in general, swimming and diving. He wouldn't get that name for nothing, would he?
The hind legs of the waterhole have membranes similar to those of the ducks' feet, which helps it a lot in swimming. While swimming, she remains with her entire body submerged, only her head is above water level. Its tail acts like a rudder, guiding you in the direction to go. It is also in the water that this animal gets most of its food: fish, amphibians, crustaceans, insects and, sometimes, some aquatic plants.
The cuíca-d'água is a marsupial, as are the koalas, kangaroos and opossums. This means that she has a skin fold in the belly region, the baby carrier. In females, the marsupium (popularly known as the pouch) serves to continue the development of the offspring. […]
To give birth to its young, the cuíca-d’água builds nests in underground burrows dug on the banks of rivers and streams where it lives. They usually have two or three offspring per pregnancy. Cuícas babies – soon after they are born – go to the baby carrier, where they are protected by nursing until they are strong enough to live outside.
But wait a minute! If cuíca-d’d’da only lives underwater, how does it manage to prevent the puppies from drowning? The answer is in the fur. The coat of this species is short and waterproof, that is, it does not let water through. In addition, the opening of the marsupium is facing backwards, so the female can keep it closed, preventing water from entering while swimming.
This animal with curious habits is one more on the list of those that are threatened with extinction in the states of southeastern Brazil. Deforestation and burning damage the environment, or rather, the forests where the cuíca-d’água lives. To avoid the disappearance of the species, it is necessary to create new areas of environmental preservation and expand those that already exist. The choice of these areas must take into account the knowledge that biologists have about the habits of the pond and its relationship with the environment. So, who knows, maybe one day you will be able to meet this great swimmer live?
Jânio Cordeiro Moreira. Magazine
“Children's Science Today”. Edition 197.
Available in: .
Question 1 - Read back:
"It's just that this animal is only seen at night and, in general, swimming and diving."
What animal does the text refer to?
Question 2 - In the segment “Your tail works like a rudder, guiding you in the direction to go.”, the term “how” introduces:
( ) a cause.
( ) An example.
( ) a comparison.
Question 3 - In the "That it means that it has a skin fold in the belly region, the marsupium.”, the highlighted word takes up some information. What information?
Question 4 – In “In females, the marsupium (popularly known as the pouch) serves to continue the development of the offspring.”, the author reveals:
( ) the formation of the marsupium in females.
( ) the purpose of the marsupium in females.
( ) the consequence of marsupium in females.
Question 5 - In the excerpt "The coat of this species is short and waterproof, that is, does not let water pass inside.”, the underlined expression indicates:
( ) one correction.
( ) a conclusion.
( ) one explanation.
Question 6 – The author cites the factors that threaten the life of the cuíca-d’água. transcribe them:
Question 7 – Identify the passage in which the author converses directly with the reader:
( ) "The hind legs of the waterhole have membranes similar to those of the feet of ducks [...]"
( ) "Usually they have two or three offspring per pregnancy."
( ) “So, maybe one day you will be able to meet this great swimmer live?”
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.