Activity of text interpretation, addressed to students in the eighth year of elementary school, about Chagas disease. It is an infectious disease that can cause serious health problems if left untreated! Are we going to learn more about this disease? So, read the text that clearly explains Chagas' disease and then answer the proposed interpretative questions!
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Chagas disease is an infectious disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma Cruzi. Known to be caused by the bite of the “barber” insect in the Americas, it is actually transmitted through feces contaminated by this insect, which can come into contact with humans after its bite, or by ingesting food contaminated. However, few people know that Chagas disease can also be transmitted from an infected mother to her baby.
Today there are more than 6 million people affected by Chagas disease in the world, but only 1 in 10 people has been diagnosed. There is treatment for the disease, which is curable in its early stages. But if left untreated, it can lead to serious problems with the heart (such as its increased size) and digestive system over the years.
Chagas disease is endemic throughout Latin America. It is neither outdated nor surpassed – about 75 million people are still at risk of being infected worldwide and 12,000 people die each year from causes associated with it.
As it is a neglected disease, it ended up falling into the oblivion of society and public policies, with almost no investments to face it. But Chagas disease is still a serious public health problem.
Currently, most people living with the disease reside in urban areas and many live in non-endemic countries. Where they are found has changed and transmission has been significantly reduced, but challenges in accessing diagnosis and treatment still remain.
“Doctors Without Borders”. Available in: .
Question 1 - Identify the purpose of who wrote the text above:
a) inform about Chagas disease.
b) express an opinion about Chagas disease.
c) criticize the government's disregard for Chagas' disease.
d) present statistical data on Chagas disease.
Question 2 - In the passage “[…] it is actually transmitted by the contaminated feces of this insect […]”. What does the term “she” refer to?
Question 3 - Check the alternative that does not contain, according to the text, a form of transmission of Chagas disease:
a) “sting of the barber insect”.
b) "contaminated 'barber' feces after the bite".
c) “ingestion of contaminated food”.
d) “infected mother to the baby”.
Question 4 – Based on the above text, it can be stated that Chagas' disease:
a) there is no cure.
b) it is difficult to diagnose.
c) has treatment.
d) has been partially eradicated.
Question 5 - According to the text, Chagas disease ended up being ignored by society and public policies. Because?
Question 6 – In the segment "But Chagas disease is still a serious public health problem.”, the underlined conjunction introduces:
a) a contrast
b) a conclusion
c) a caveat
d) a compensation
Question 7 – In the excerpt “The place where they meet has changed and the transmission was significantly reduced […]”, the highlighted adverb indicates:
a) the means by which the transmission was reduced.
b) the way in which transmission was reduced.
c) the time with which the transmission was reduced.
d) the intensity with which transmission was reduced.
Question 8 – The expression Trypanosoma Cruzi was written in italics because:
a) is scientific.
b) is foreign.
c) is little known.
d) is the key expression of the text.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.