Portuguese activity, focused on students in the sixth year of elementary school, aims to study the additive conjunctions. The questions are based on a fragment of the text How to know if the pet is in pain?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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how to find out
Unlike us, when they are in pain, animals don't cry or scream. To get attention, they make sounds, use bodily expressions, and change behavior. For example: they tend to limp, walk bent over, bite, scratch themselves and have a more apprehensive facial expression. Frequent vomiting (for no apparent reason) and watery eyes are also warning signs.
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Question 1 - The text above is intended to:
a) entertain
b) disclose
c) thrill
d) guide
question 2 – Reread the second sentence of the text. Identify the conjunction that unites the attitudes of animals when they want to draw attention:
Question 3 - The conjunction, identified in the previous question, expresses the notion of:
a) alternation
b) addition
c) conclusion
d) condition
Question 4 – Mark the part of the text whose highlighted term works as an additive conjunction:
a) “Unlike us, when they are in pain, animals do not cry nor”
B) "For example: they tend to limp, walk bent over, bite […]"
c) “[…] and they get the facial expression more”
d) “Vomiting frequent (for no apparent reason) […]"
Question 5 - Mark, in the following excerpt, the conjunctions that indicate the idea of addition:
"Frequent vomiting (for no apparent reason) and watery eyes are also warning signs."
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.