Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about licuri. this palm tree can reach 11 meters in height, its leaves in a row seem to form a crown. Let's get to know licuri better? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Known as the sertaneja palm, the licuri (scientific name: syagrus coronata) is also called alicuri, aricuí, adicuri, bighead, coconut-aracuri, coconut-dicuri, iricuri, oricuri, uricuri, uricuri and uricuriba.
The palm tree can reach 11 meters in height, its leaves in a row seem to form a crown. The species can be found in the north of Minas Gerais, in the eastern and central portion of Bahia to the south of Pernambuco and also in the states of Sergipe and Alagoas.
The bunches of licuri have an average of 1,350 fruits, which measure approximately two centimeters. While green, the fruits have a watery texture inside, which hardens in the ripening process, giving rise to almonds. Color varies from pale yellow to orange.
Everything takes advantage of the licuri. The leaves are used in the artisanal manufacture of bags, hats, brooms, dusters, among others. The almond produces an oil used in cooking, similar to coconut oil, and is also considered the best oil in the country for the manufacture of soap. Almonds are also used in the manufacture of sweets, such as Cocada, liqueurs and licuri milk, a specialty of Bahian cuisine. The residues from the extraction of almond oil are used in animal feed.
It is also important to note that licuri is one of the main foods of the Lear's Macaw, being considered essential for the survival of this animal, endemic to the Brazilian Caatinga and threatened with extinction.
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Question 1 – Reread this text fragment:
"The palm tree can reach 11 meters in height, its leaves in a row seem to form a crown."
Which palm tree does the text refer to?
Question 2 – In the passage “the species can be found in the north of Minas Gerais, in the eastern and central portion of Bahia […]”, the underlined expression:
( ) resumes the licuri.
( ) presents the licuri.
( ) characterizes the licuri.
Question 3 – In “[…] measure approximately two centimeters.”, the text refers to:
( ) to the licuri leaves.
( ) to the fruits of the licuri.
( ) to the bunches of the licuri.
Question 4 – In the segment "While the fruits are green, they have a watery texture inside [...]", the text:
( ) narrates.
( ) describe.
( ) argues.
Question 5 - Watch:
"Almonds produce an oil used in cooking, similar to coconut oil, and it is also considered the best oil in the country for the manufacture of soap."
Identify “the best oil in the country for making soap”:
Question 6 – In the excerpt “Almonds are also used in the manufacture of sweets, such as coconut candy […]”, the word “how” indicates:
( ) a cause.
( ) An example.
( ) a comparison.
Question 7 – According to the text, the Lear's Macaw, which is endemic to the Brazilian Caatinga, feeds mainly on licuri. What does it mean to be endemic to the Brazilian Caatinga?
( ) Means that the Lear's Macaw only occurs in the Brazilian Caatinga.
( ) Means that the Lear's Macaw occurs mainly in the Brazilian Caatinga.
( ) Means that the Lear's Macaw occasionally occurs in the Brazilian Caatinga.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.