Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about turtles. According to the text, the first turtles appeared in the Triassic period, 150 million years ago, when the Earth was still inhabited by dinosaurs. A long time, no? Did you know that of the seven existing species of turtle, five frequent the coast of Brazil? Are we going to meet these turtles? To do so, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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The first turtles appeared in the Triassic period, 150 million years ago, when the Earth was still inhabited by dinosaurs. They are marine animals and have fins, the front being much longer than the back. Turtles spend most of their lives underwater: they only surface periodically to breathe and only leave the water at the time of spawning.
Of the seven species existing in the world today, five frequent the Brazilian coast: the loggerhead turtle (caretta caretta), the giant tortoise or leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and the olive turtle (Lepidochea olivacea). All species that frequent our coast are on IBAMA's list of endangered species: the ones most threatened with extinction are hunting, egg collection and incidental capture by fishing nets.
Diet varies by species. The loggerhead turtle, for example, grinds clams, mussels, clams and crabs with its large, strong jaw. The giant tortoise feeds essentially on jellyfish. The Hawksbill turtle's small head and beak-shaped mouth make it easy to find food among the coral reefs: sponges, anemones, squid and shrimp are its favorite dishes. While young, the green turtle feeds on crustaceans, aquatic insects, herbs and marine algae, adult is exclusively herbivorous. The olive turtle's diet includes fish, crabs, clams, shrimp and mussels.
Have you ever seen the movie “Finding Nemo”? Remember the turtles surfing the ocean currents? Every year, turtles undertake long journeys across the seas and oceans towards the beaches where they were born to breed. The orientation and migration ability of these reptiles is impressive: studies suggest that turtles are able to detect the angle and strength of the Earth's magnetic field and thus determine its position at sea. open.
Juliana Rocha. Available in: .
Question 1 - Identify the purpose of the text above:
( ) report a fact about turtles.
( ) publish a movie about turtles.
( ) provide explanations about the turtles.
Question 2 - In the passage “They are marine animals and they have fins, the fronts being much longer than the rears.”, the highlighted excerpt reads:
( ) an opinion of the author.
( ) a hypothesis raised by the author.
( ) a comparison established by the author.
Question 3 - According to the text, "sponges, anemones, squid and shrimp" are the favorite dishes:
( ) of the loggerhead turtle.
( ) of the giant tortoise.
( ) of the hawksbill turtle.
Question 4 – According to the author of the text, one of the species of turtles that frequent the coast of Brazil is herbivorous in adulthood. Point it out:
( ) giant turtle.
( ) green turtle.
( ) olive turtle.
Question 5 - The author of the text exposes the factors that threaten the existence of turtles in Brazil. Locate them:
Question 6 – In the segment “Diet varies second the species.”, the underlined term indicates:
( ) a condition.
( ) a purpose.
( ) a conformity.
Question 7 – Underline, in the fragment below, the adjectives that characterize the loggerhead turtle's jaw:
“The loggerhead turtle, for example, grinds, with its large, strong jaw […]”
Question 8 – In “The orientation and migration capacity of these reptiles is impressive […]”, the core (the main word) of the subject is:
( ) "capacity".
( ) “orientation”.
( ) “migration”.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.