History activity, proposed to students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the Neolithic period.
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1.Explain why human life changed radically in the Neolithic period?
a.( ) because during this period the man learned to speak and the first words.
b.( ) because in this period the human groups started to manufacture hoes, pestle sickles and axes with polished stones.
c.( ) because during this period, men learned to walk more upright, which contributed to improving their lives.
d.( ) because during this period the man learned to walk more upright and learned to speak.
a.( ) use the fertile land for agriculture.
b.( ) fish more easily.
c.( ) pick up water more easily to prepare food.
d.( ) because they believed it to be a fertile area.
3. In which region did the cultivation of the first plants occur during the Neolithic period?
4. Read:
I. Agricultural activity enabled the sedentarization of human groups in the Neolithic period. And the increase in the supply of food, with nutrients, resulted in a large population growth in this period.
II. The ceramic pot is a very ancient artifact and in the Neolithic period it was only related to the cultivation of meat.
III. The ceramic pot is a very old artifact and in the Neolithic period it was related to food cultivation.
Check the correct alternative:
a.( ) all alternatives are correct.
b.( ) only alternatives I and III are correct.
c.( ) only alternatives I and II are correct.
d.( ) only alternative II is correct.
5.Explain how agriculture emerged in the Neolithic period?
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva
At answers are in the link above the header.