Portuguese activity, aimed at 8th grade students, proposes the study of adverbstime indicators, through an account of an enriching African tale.
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There is an African tale that tells that a white explorer, eager to get to his destination soon, paid an extra salary to make his Indians walk faster. For several days the porters quickened their pace. One afternoon, however, everyone sat on the ground and laid down their burdens, refusing to continue. No matter how much money they were offered, the Indians did not move. When, finally, the explorer asked for a reason for that behavior, he got the following answer: "We are walking too fast and we no longer know what we are doing." Now, we need to wait until our souls catch up.”
Available in: http://www.portaldafamilia.org. Accessed on: 07/19/16.
Question 1 - The African tale is reported to:
Question 2 - “[…] the explorer asked for a reason to that behavior […]”. Explain what behavior the text refers to:
Question 3 - The indication of time can be seen in the following excerpts, except:
a) "For several days, the porters hurried their pace."
b) "One afternoon, however, everyone sat on the floor and laid down their burdens, refusing […]"
c) “[…] we are walking very fast and we no longer know what we are doing”.
d) "Now, we need to wait until our souls reach us."
Question 4 – In “[…] I paid an extra salary so that my Indians could walk faster.”, the underlined element works as:
a) adjective
b) adverb
c) noun
d) pronoun
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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