Activity of text interpretation, the peacock's complaint, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school. It's about the story of the peacock who was upset because he had a very ugly voice… So, he went to complain to the goddess Juno… And then? Did she grant his request? Do you want to know the continuity of this story? So, don't forget to answer the proposed questions!
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Upset because he had a very ugly voice, a peacock complained to the goddess Juno.
“It's true that you can't sing,” said the goddess. - But you are so beautiful, why worry about it?
Only the peacock didn't want to be comforted.
– What good is beauty with a voice like this?
Hearing that, Juno got angry.
– Each one is born with something good. You have beauty, the eagle has strength, the nightingale sings. You are the only one who is not satisfied. Stop complaining. If he got what he wanted, he would surely find another reason to complain.
Moral: Instead of envying others' talents, make the most of yours.
“Aesop's Fables”. Trans. Heloisa Jahn. São Paulo: Companhia das Letrinhas, 1994.
Question 1 - The text above is of the genre:
the news
b) fable
c) short story
d) legend
Question 2 - Tick the narrator of the story:
a) the peacock
b) the goddess Juno
c) a narrator-observer
d) a narrator-character
Question 3 - The text was written in a language:
a) colloquial
b) regional
c) poetic
d) formal
Question 4 – According to the text, the peacock made a complaint to the goddess Juno. Because?
Question 5 - Mark the goddess Juno's reaction to the peacock's complaint:
a) The goddess Juno disagreed with the peacock, trying to convince him otherwise.
b) The goddess Juno agreed with the peacock, saying that she would grant him what she wanted.
c) The goddess Juno disagreed with the peacock and therefore said that she would not grant her wish.
d) The goddess Juno agreed with the peacock, but extolled another characteristic of it.
Question 6 – In “Only that the peacock didn't want to be comforted.”, it is concluded that the goddess Juno:
a) she did not convince the peacock.
b) she convinced the peacock.
c) she partially convinced the peacock.
d) she is almost able to convince the peacock.
Question 7 – According to the text, the goddess Juno was irritated by the peacock. Because?
Question 8 – Finally, the goddess Juno tries to convince the peacock again, presenting arguments. For this, she uses the three verbal modes:
Paying attention to the explanation above, relate the highlighted verb to the way it was used:
( ) "Each one is born with a good thing."
( ) "You has beauty, the eagle has strength, the nightingale sings.”
( ) “Stop to complain.”
( ) “If received what are you wanting […]"
Question 9 – Reread the moral of the story. She intends to:
a) express a desire.
b) teach something.
c) make a critique.
d) give an order.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.