Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth year of elementary school, about direct transitive verbs. Let's analyze them in the text pond x forest? To do so, answer the proposed questions!
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Frogs that breed at the edge of the pond lay a huge amount of eggs at once. This is a natural mechanism to ensure that at least some make it to adulthood, because by then many tadpoles will be devoured by fish, birds and reptiles.
The species that live in the interior of the forest and do not have the tadpole stage, on the other hand, lay larger and lesser eggs. These eggs are filled with nutrients that will ensure the baby's development, thus increasing its chances of survival.
Before ending this conversation about frogs, make a note of it: Brazil has the greatest diversity of these animals in the world. […]
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 241.
Available in: .
Question 1 – In the excerpt below, there is a direct transitive verb. Underline it:
“The frogs that breed at the edge of the pond lay a huge amount of eggs […]
Question 2 – Why is the underlined verb above direct transitive?
Question 3 – Regarding the passage “[…] the species that live inside the forest and do not present the tadpole stage […]”, it can be stated that:
( ) the verb “live” is direct transitive.
( ) the verb “present” is direct transitive.
( ) the verb “live” and the verb “present” are direct transitives.
Question 4 – Watch:
“These eggs are filled with nutrients that will guarantee the development of the baby […]”
Rewrite this fragment, replacing the verbal phrase with the equivalent direct transitive verb:
Question 5 - In the segment “[…] Brazil has the greatest diversity of these animals in the world.”, the direct transitive verb refers to:
( ) to the 1st person.
( ) to the 2nd person.
( ) to the 3rd person singular.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.