Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fourth and fifth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text Júlio e Júlia.
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Julia was a beautiful girl who was in love with a sheep herder named Julius. Soon, they would be married.
One day, they were wandering through the forest and saw a beautiful castle. The two started walking towards the castle, when they got a little closer to the gate, Julius turned into a stone statue and Julia into a nightingale. Soon after, a witch appeared before them. She changed Julius back to her original form, but took Julia with her to the castle.
Before leaving, she warned Julius to stay away from the castle or he would turn into a statue again. And this time, the witch would not save him. But Julius loved Julia very much, so he tried everything in her power to get her back, but he was unsuccessful. One night, Julius dreamed of a beautiful purple flower that had a bright white pearl in the center. In the dream, he saw that he carried the flower to the witch's castle and freed Julia. So, the next morning, Julius began looking for the flower.
After eight days, Julius found the purple flower on top of a hill. It had a large dewdrop in the center that looked like a shining pearl. He picked up the flower and returned to the forest where the witch's castle was located. Julius started walking towards him and reached the castle gate without turning a statue.
The flower was magic. She had saved Julius from the witch's spell. Then Julius entered the castle and there he found hundreds of beautiful birds locked in cages. There were many nightingales. Julius wondered which nightingale would be his Julia. Just then, the witch arrived. When she saw Julius, she was furious and tried to cast a spell on him, but again, the flower protected Julius from the spell.
So the witch took a cage and started to run away. Julius knew the bird in the cage was Julia.
He ran after the witch, fought her and defeated her. Then he touched the bird with the purple flower and it turned into Julia.
Julius was happy to find Julia. They touched all the other birds with the flower and freed them from the witch's spell.
Julius took Julia back to the village, where they got married and lived happily ever after.
Unknown author
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) What are the characters in the story?
4) What happened when they were wandering in the forest?
5) What did the witch do when she appeared?
6) What warning did the witch give Julius?
7) What idea did he have during a dream?
8) What did Julius do after saving Julia?
9) What happened when they returned home?
10) Now it's your turn, create a scene describing how Julius defeated the witch:
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