Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, explores verbs indirect transitives. Let's analyze the verbs that require complement with preposition in the text changes in climate? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
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You already know that our planet is inhabited by thousands of species of animals and plants. Each of them has its special characteristics, from the shape of its body to its favorite food. In the same way, all living beings depend on _______ a certain climate to live. Some like the cold; others of heat. Some need lots of sun; others, with little rain… So, penguins and polar bears enjoy the cold weather, but toucans, on the contrary, really like the heat. Frogs, on the other hand, prefer humid climates, while camels adapt very well to the dryness of the desert.
Magazine “Science Today for Children”. Edition 214.
Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 - Point to the passage that contains an indirect transitive verb, that is, a verb that requires complement with a preposition:
( ) “Each one of them has its special characteristics [...]”
( ) “Some need a lot of sun [...]”
( ) “[…] penguins and polar bears enjoy the cold weather […]
Question 2 – The transitive verb in the above passage refers to:
( ) to the 3rd person singular.
( ) to the 1st person plural.
( ) to the 3rd person plural.
Question 3 – In the passage “In the same way, all living beings depend on _______ a certain climate to live.”, the transitive verb requires the preposition:
( ) "in".
( ) "in".
( ) "with".
Question 4 – In the segment “Some like it cold; others, of heat.”, the comma marks the omission of an indirect transitive verb. Identify this verb:
Question 5 – In “[…] camels adapt very well well to the drought of the desert.”, the highlighted adverb adds to the indirect transitive verb a circumstance of:
( ) mode.
( ) time.
( ) intensity.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.