Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, about proparoxytone words. Let's analyze these words in the text Why does the dog rotate in a circle before lying down? Then answer the proposed questions!
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It's a genetic inheritance, coming from your wild life ancestors over 12,000 years ago. Ancient dogs prepared the place to sleep by walking in a circle until they formed a comfortable space between plants or stones. This also served to demarcate the space as a particular territory. The habit is still conserved over the generations, despite having no more function.
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Question 1 - Watch:
“Why does the dog go around in a circle before lying down?”
The word “circle” is emphasized because it:
( ) is proparoxytone.
( ) is an oxytone ending in “o”.
( ) is a paroxytone ending in a diphthong.
Question 2 – Underline the word proparoxytone in this passage of text:
"It's a genetic inheritance, coming from your wild life ancestors over 12,000 years ago."
Question 3 – The word proparoxytone underlined above is:
( ) a verb.
( ) an adjective.
( ) a noun.
Question 4 – The word proparoxytone was transcribed without the accent in the following passage. Put it:
“The habit is still conserved over the generations, although it no longer has a function.”
Question 5 - Cite a word that could take the place of the proparoxytone word present in the above passage:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.