Portuguese activity, focused on students in the sixth year of elementary school, life studying the substantive. The questions suggested are based on the What is the penguin's life like? Do you know? No? So let's find out?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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There are 17 species of penguins, all living in the southern hemisphere of the planet, mainly in Antarctica. Despite being birds, they do not fly and enjoy spending their day to day swimming in very cold waters. Scientists believe penguins don't have the ability to fly because they don't have to! For them, who search for food in the water, it is much more useful to swim.
No penguin species is native to our country. But from time to time, the Magellanic penguin species is seen around here. A resident of Argentina and Chile, he arrives through sea currents or as a result of environmental accidents.
Available at: www.recreio.uol.com.br
Question 1 - The period “For them, who look for food in the water, it is much more useful to swim.” has as nouns the terms:
a) “they” and “food”.
b) “water” and “useful”.
c) “food” and “water”.
d) “they” and “swim”.
Question 2 - The key noun of the text “penguin” cannot be classified as:
a) simple
b) primitive
c) concrete
d) own
Question 3 - The highlighted noun was correctly classified in parentheses in:
a) "How is the life of the penguin?” (concrete noun)
b) “[…] all residents of the Southern Hemisphere […]” (derivative noun)
c) “[…] of the South hemisphere of the planet […]” (compound noun)
From scientists believe that penguins do not have […]” (proper noun)
Question 4 – Identify in the text the proper nouns that name:
a) two countries: ______________________________________
b) a continent: ____________________________________
Question 5 - Explain the use of the hyphen in the spelling of the noun "Penguin-de-Magalhães":
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.