Portuguese activity, suitable for 7th grade students, aims to study the quotation marks, through the text Luisa's moons, by Dilea Frate.
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Dilea Frate
The Earth has a moon, Saturn has twenty, but Luisa, temperamental, unpredictable, creative, playful, whining, laughing, generous, needy and absurd, had at least thirty moons close to her. Each moon represented a different mood. The best moon illuminated night games when Luísa stayed up late playing games, playing games, jumping on the bed, watching TV, doing crazy things and looking at the sky. It was when the mother would come and say: “Stop it, tomorrow you have to wake up early”. Which was enough to wake up the worst of the moons: that of a bad mood. At that moment, she tapped her foot, cried, cursed, and her mother just said: "Luísa, you're a moon!". And closed the window. (…)
Question 1 - The purpose of the text is:
a) tell a story.
b) comment on the mother and daughter relationship.
c) explain about the phases of the moon.
d) criticize Luísa's changes in mood.
Question 2 - Luísa's mother says that her daughter is from the moon. What does that mean? Explain:
Question 3 - Note that quotation marks are used in two passages of the text. Because?
Question 4 – In the passage “At this moment, she beat the feet, cried, cursed […]”, the underlined verbs indicate actions by Luísa:
a) in the very distant past.
b) recently completed.
c) frequent in the past.
d) that have not yet been completed.
Question 5 - In the excerpt “It was when the mother arrived and said […]”, the underlined term indicates:
the conclusion
b) addition
c) explanation
d) condition
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.