activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the third and fourth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text The Prince of Currency.
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Once upon a time there was a prince who loved to collect coins of different types. He had started his collection since he was a little boy and had accumulated a large amount of very valuable coins. This collection had taught him the value of a single coin! As he grew up, he began to take a deep interest in his country's finances and did everything he could to help his people prosper.
One year, his country suffered a severe drought. All his people visited the court begging for help.
The generous prince decided to distribute his coins to those people, who deserved them. Crowds flocked to the palace to earn their coins!
Some sang, some danced, and many even performed brilliant acts of magic and drama!
Soon, the other kingdoms began to hear about the talent in his country and foreigners began to visit him in droves! They paid handsomely to attend such entertainments.
The prince smiled as his people prospered and started their own coin collections!
Unknown author
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) What did the prince collect?
4) What did the prince become interested in?
5) During the drought, what was the attitude taken by the prince?
6) How did people celebrate?
7) What happened when the other kingdoms heard about the talent of the prince kingdom's people?
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