Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the hidden subject. Are we going to identify the subjects that appear hidden in the sentences? So, answer the questions based on the curious text that tells us about the behavior of pacas!
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With essentially solitary habits, they hardly interact even with individuals of the same species. In fact, during the day, they are barely seen, since during this period they retire to their burrows (which are generally 2 meters deep). It's when night falls that life speeds up. First they explore the surroundings for fallen fruit. Their long “whiskers”, called vibrissae, serve as sensors to locate food.
Your hearing and smell are well developed, but your eyesight is poor. They prefer environments close to streams, as this way, at the least danger (medium and large carnivores and, of course, hunters), they throw themselves into the water (since they are good swimmers). But they are not always lucky.
Fragment of the text “Paca”. Available in: .
Question 1 - The subject is hidden in prayer:
( ) “[…] they hardly interact even with individuals of the same species.”
( ) “His hearing and smell are well developed […]”
( ) “But they are not always lucky.”
Question 2 - In “First they explore the surroundings for fallen fruit. […]”, the verb expresses:
( ) an action of the hidden subject.
( ) a state of the hidden subject.
( ) a characteristic of the hidden subject.
Question 3 - In the passage “They prefer environments close to streams […]”, the subject of the verb “Prefer” is hidden. Identify it:
( ) "the pacas"
( ) "medium and large carnivores"
( ) "hunters"
Question 4 – In the excerpt “[…] they throw themselves into the water […]”, the verb whose subject is hidden was used in the voice:
( ) active
( ) passive
( ) reflective
Question 5 - In the text, the verbs referring to hidden subject are in the present tense to indicate:
( ) routine facts.
( ) ephemeral facts.
( ) sporadic facts.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.