Text interpretation activity, aimed at students in the third year of elementary school, with questions developed about the text: The buried treasure.
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The two brothers apologized to the ducklings; then they started to fill the hole with earth again.
– Oh! - Polco sighed, disappointed. – Why are there no treasures at home?
“That only happens in books,” Pingo replied wearily. – Let's cover this hole soon! The owner of the site cannot find out about anything!
Polco obeyed, but in a quick move PLOFT! He fell into the hole.
- THERE! He moaned the little pig as he got up. – How hard is this land!
As he said this, his hull hit a small wooden box, which contained strange gold tablets.
- Golden coins! – Polco shouted – It's the treasure that the owner of the site spoke of, I'm sure!
Pingo and Polco made such a racket that everyone rushed to see. The owner of the farm was so happy with the find that he promised Polco a new pigsty, full of mud… Just for him!
1) What is the title of the text?
2) Who did the two piggies apologize to?
3) What did the piggies start doing after they apologized?
4) What did pingo say to Polco?
5) Polco obeyed, but in one quick move he fell into a hole. What did he find there?
6) Pingo and Polco made such a racket that everyone rushed to see it. What did the owner of the site promise Polco?
Per Hélia Higa
At answers are in the header.