activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the third and fourth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text A Legend of the Wolf.
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The Dom wolf lived in a cave high in the forest and was never seen among the other animals. Everyone said he was mean and very angry, so no animal dared to come near his cave.
– Is the Dom all they talk about? asked the little Violet rabbit.
- My father said that no one ever went to his cave - answered the little squirrel Zezé.
The pups were very curious to know if the legend of the big bad wolf was true and decided to go to the cave.
As soon as Violeta and Zezé entered the cave, they heard an angry voice ask:
- Who's there?
“We don't want to disturb you, Mr Dom. We're on our way out – Zezé said, scared.
But it was too late. The wolf appeared, opened its huge mouth and… gave a big smile.
- Alive! Finally someone came to visit me, I feel so alone here - said the wolf, surprising the cubs.
Violeta and Zezé were very well received by Dom, who, from that day on, began to live with the other animals in the forest.
180 stories for fun.
Publisher: Ciranda Cultural.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) Who are the characters in the story?
4) Where does the story take place?
5) What did the animals think of the wolf?
6) What made the puppies curious?
7) What was the wolf's attitude when he saw the cubs?
8) What did the pups discover after visiting the wolf?
9) What is your opinion about the attitude of other animals towards the wolf? Explain your answer:
10) Illustrate the story:
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