Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about the definite article. Let's analyze the terms that precede the nouns, defining them? To do so, answer the questions that refer to the text. where the new year arrives first! Do you know? Find it out!
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Tonga is curious: it is one of the first countries to enter the New Year. There the clock is always ahead of the rest of the world, because Tonga is the highest place west of the “International Date Shift Line”. This imaginary line, which cuts across the planet from north to south, was created by scientists to mark the beginning of the counting of days. As the sun rises in the east, the new year arrives for the rest of the world, from Tonga, to the left (west). Whoever crosses the Date Shift line from west to east subtracts a day from the calendar. And whoever crosses it in the opposite direction goes to the next day!!!
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 275. Available in: .
Question 1 - In “Where the New Year Comes First”, the article defines the meaning of:
( ) an adjective.
( ) an adverb.
( ) a noun.
Question 2 - The term "a" is an article defined in the segment:
( ) “[…] it is one of the first countries to enter the New Year.”
( ) "Whoever crosses the West Date Change line […]"
( ) “And whoever crosses it in the opposite direction, goes to the next day!!!”
Question 3 - In the segment "There, the clock is always ahead of the rest of the world [...]", the definite article "the" syntactically functions as an adnominal adjunct, since:
( ) explains “clock”.
( ) determines “clock”.
( ) complements “clock”.
Question 4 – Highlight the article(s) defined in this text fragment:
“This imaginary line, which cuts across the planet from north to south […]”
Question 5 - In the passage “How the sun rises at the east […]”, the highlighted word is the contraction of a preposition with the definite article “the”. Tick it:
( ) "in".
( ) "in".
( ) "per".
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.