activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about a puma seen in an area where it was considered extinct in Rio. Shall we know more about this fact? So read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretive questions proposed!
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Environmental reserve is located in Maricá, in the metropolitan region
A puma (Puma concolor) was caught by cameras in an environmental reserve in the municipality of Maricá, in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. The feline was considered extinct in the region for more than a century, according to information from the city hall.
The records were made in the last quarter of 2021, with camera traps installed at the Refúgio of Serras de Maricá (Revimar), one of the environmental protection areas of the County.
The puma, also known as the cougar, is the second largest feline in the Americas, second only to the jaguar (panthera onca). Your habitat extends from Patagonia in the south to Canada in the north, including all Brazilian regions and biomes.
According to the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), the species in Brazil is considered vulnerable, the third level graver on the scale of extinction risk for animals that still exist in the wild (behind the critically endangered and threatened).
Before the puma, Revimar's camera traps had already caught another feline, the margay (Leopardus wiedii), in February 2021.
Available in:. (Posted on April 11, 2022).
Question 1 - Read back:
“The feline was considered extinct in the region for more than a century, according to information from the municipal government.”
In this passage, the text refers:
( ) to the puma.
( ) to the jaguar.
( ) to the margay.
Question 2 – The segment “Records were made in the last quarter of 2021 […]” is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 3 – In “[…] at the Serras de Maricá Municipal Wildlife Refuge (Revimar), one of the municipal environmental protection areas.”, the highlighted part aims to:
( ) explain.
( ) justify.
( ) exemplify.
Question 4 – Watch:
"Your habitat extends from Patagonia in the south to Canada in the north, including all regions and Brazilian biomes.”
The underlined term expresses the idea of:
( ) sum.
( ) opposition.
( ) alternation.
Question 5 – According to the text, the puma is at the “third most serious level on the scale of risk of extinction for animals that still exist in nature”. That means she is:
( ) vulnerable.
( ) Critically endangered.
( ) threatened.
Question 6 - In the excerpt “[…] Revimar’s camera traps already had caught another feline […]”, the underlined word indicates:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 7 - It can be concluded that the text about the puma is:
( ) A tale.
( ) a fable.
( ) a notice.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.