Portuguese activity, aimed at seventh-year students, proposes the study of punctuation marks. In order for our ideas to be well understood, we need to punctuate our texts correctly, don't we? So let's learn more about punctuation marks through the text the wetlands? So, answer the questions below!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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The Pantanal man is very attached to the land where he lives. Many residents do not intend to leave the region. And no wonder: in addition to the landscapes and the most beautiful sunset in Central Brazil, the Pantanal is a sanctuary for wild animals. A resident of the Pantanal of the Cuiabá river, looking at a flock of birds, flying over deer and capybaras, exclaimed: “The Pantanal looks like the world on the first day of creation”.
SALDANHA, P. “The wetlands”. Rio de Janeiro: Ediouro, 1995.
Question 1 - A sentence is considered a sentence when it has a verb. Thus, the first sentence of the text, ending with the full stop, is composed of:
( ) a prayer
( ) two prayers
( ) three prayers
Question 2 - In the passage “And no wonder: beyond the landscapes and the most beautiful sunset […]”, the colon introduces:
( ) one explanation
( ) a conclusion
( ) a quote
Question 3 - In the excerpt “A resident of the Pantanal of the Cuiabá river, looking at a flock of birds […]”, the comma was used before:
( ) an infinitive verb.
( ) a verb in the form of a participle.
( ) a verb in the form of a gerund.
Question 4 – The quotation marks indicate a line:
( ) of the inhabitants of the Pantanal region.
( ) of a resident of the Pantanal of the Cuiabá river.
( ) of the author of the text.
Question 5 - In “What a beautiful place!”, the exclamation point was used after:
( ) an interjection.
( ) an interjective expression.
( ) an exclamatory phrase.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.