Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, is composed of various questions aimed at the study of pronouns. Students are asked to identify the different types of pronouns used in the construction of the text Palate, written by Fernando Sabino.
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I wasn't surprised when she revealed to me that she was part of a vocal ensemble. After all, she was already studying singing and, over the age of eighteen, was able to choose her path in life, to fulfill her vocation. There is no doubt that she has a vocation: her voice is beautiful and intonation.
A musician, nowadays, is a professional like any other, with opportunities to pursue a career prosperous, given the job market that is offered on stage, on record labels, on television, that's not it same?
Distracted by these reflections, I asked him what the ensemble was called, if it already had a name.
– Disbundeto.
- Like? – startled, I thought I hadn't heard well.
– Set Desbundeto – she repeated: – don't you think it's cool?
SABINO, Fernando. "Heads or tails?". São Paulo: Attica, 2000. (Fragment).
Question 1 - The text above has purposes:
a) journalistic
b) literary
c) advertisers
d) scientific
Question 2 - The term "that" works as a relative pronoun in:
a) "I wasn't surprised when she revealed to me that she was part of a vocal ensemble."
b) “There is no doubt that she has a vocation […]”
c) “[…] in view of the job market that is offered on the stages […]”
d) “[…] if it already had a name.”
Question 3 - Mark the sentence in which "how" plays the role of interrogative pronoun:
() “[…] Nowadays, he is a professional like any other […]”
( ) “[…] I asked him what the group was called […]”
Question 4 – “After all, she was already studying singing and, over eighteen, she was able to choose her path in life […]”. Check the hidden pronoun in this passage of text:
a) I
c) he
d) you
Question 5 - The pronoun, marked above, is called:
a) possessive
b) statement
c) relative
d) staff
Question 6 – In all alternatives, the underlined pronoun refers to the person the narrator tells us about, except in:
The) "[…] your voice is beautiful and intoned."
b) “[…] I askedyou what was the name of the set […]"
c) “– Desbundeto Set – repeated Is it over there […]”
d) “[…] – you don't you think it's cool?”
Question 7 – “[…] I thought I didn't hear well.”. Point out the pronoun, which performs the function of subject, omitted in this sentence:
Question 8 – List, numbering as directed:
( ) “[…] carry out the your vocation."
( ) “A musician, nowadays, is a professional like other any […]"
( ) “[…] on record companies, on television, it's not that same?"
( ) “Distracted with these reflections […]"
( ) “[…] I askedyou what was the name of the set […]"
( ) “– Like? – startled, I thought I didn't hear well.”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.