Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the Indefinite Pronouns. Let's analyze the pronouns that express indefiniteness? To do this, answer the questions based on the text that tells us about the book Reigns of Little Nose, written by Monteiro Lobato!
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“Dona Benta is the happiest of the grandmothers, because she lives in the company of the most charming of granddaughters – Lúcia, the girl with the upturned little nose, or Little Nari as everyone says. Narizinho is seven years old, is a brunette like a jambo, likes popcorn a lot and already knows how to make some very tasty sprinkles.”
In 1920, Monteiro Lobato released the girl with the upturned nose, starting the adventures of Sítio do Picapau Amarelo. There followed many adventures and new and charming characters, until in 1937 the book appeared Reigns of Little Nose as we know it today. Thanks to the kind Dona Benta and Tia Nastácia, the dolls Emília and Visconde de Sabugosa, as well as Narizinho, Pedrinho, other creatures and lots and lots of imagination, this became the most beloved book of childhood Brazilian.
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Question 1 - There is an undefined pronoun in the passage:
( ) “[…] Lúcia, the girl with the upturned little nose […]”
( ) “[…] or Little Nose as they all say.”
( ) “[…] this became the most beloved book of Brazilian childhood.”
Question 2 - In the passage marked above, the indefinite pronoun:
( ) explains a noun.
( ) determines a noun.
( ) takes the place of a noun.
question 3 – In “A place different from all others […]”, the indefinite pronoun “others” implicitly refers to the noun:
Question 4 – Identify the sentence in which the term underlined does not work as an indefinite pronoun:
( ) "[…] he likes much of popcorn and already knows how to make some sprinkles […]"
( ) “Followed many adventures and new ones […]"
( ) "[…] a lot, lots of imagination […]"
Question 5 - In the excerpt “Dona Benta is the happiest of grandmas […]”, the word “more” plays the role of:
( ) additive conjunction
( ) indefinite pronoun
( ) adverb of intensity
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.