activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, on flying insects. Shall we know more about them? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the proposed interpretive questions!
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When we talk about flying animals, we immediately imagine birds. They really are masters of the air. Some species make long flights, with great altitudes and distances. We also have bats, an example of a mammal among flying animals.
Among insects there are many winged beings, says biologist Guilherme Domenichelli, creator of the Animal TV channel. Some don't fly as well, like cockroaches, but others are excellent fliers, like bees, wasps, grasshoppers, cicadas, wasps and butterflies.
Monarch butterflies, for example, make an epic migration, covering some 4,800 kilometers! Each fall, monarchs leave their summer habitats in the northern United States and Canada for their winter habitats in California and Mexico.
In addition to traveling great distances, insects can also fly very high! Scientists from the Department of Zoology and Physiology at the University of Wyoming, in the United States, collected locusts flying at 4,500 meters high. Some species of flies reach altitudes above 5,000 meters and species of butterflies above 6,000 meters.
Like us, insects face many challenges at high altitudes. Oxygen reduction is one of them. They need to supply enough oxygen to their tissues, or they won't be able to flap their wings. When air density is low, insect wings have to work much harder to generate lift, expending more energy.
Marcelo Duarte. "Guide for the Curious".
Available in:. (With cut).
Question 1 - Read back:
“They really are masters of the air.”
In this passage, the author of the text refers:
( ) the birds.
( ) to flies.
( ) to monarch butterflies.
Question 2 – In the passage “Some don’t fly as well, like cockroaches […]”, the term “how” was used to introduce:
( ) a cause.
( ) An example.
( ) a comparison.
Question 3 – In “Monarch butterflies, for example, perform a migration epic, covering about 4,800 kilometers!”, the highlighted word means:
( ) “long”.
( ) "dangerous".
( ) “extraordinary”.
Question 4 – The exclamation point after “In addition to traveling great distances, insects can also fly very high!” expresses the feeling in relation to this fact:
( ) fear.
( ) happiness.
( ) admiration.
Question 5 - Watch:
“Scientists from the Department of Zoology and Physiology at the University of Wyoming in the United States collected locusts flying at 4,500 meters high.”
This segment is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 6 - According to the text, insects “need to provide enough oxygen to their tissues.” Because?
Question 7 - Identify the fragment in which the author addresses the reader directly:
( ) “Each autumn, monarchs leave their summer habitats […]”
( ) “Some species of flies reach altitudes above 5,000 meters […]”
( ) “Just like us, insects face many challenges at high altitudes.”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.