Portuguese activity, recommended to students in the eighth year of elementary school, on the conjunctions. Let's identify the ideas they expressed in the fable the goat and the donkey? Idea of addition, adversity, alternation, conclusion or explanation? Let's find out? So, answer the proposed questions!
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Someone was feeding a goat and a donkey. The goat, envious of the donkey, because he was very well fed, told him to slow down his work. from now to grinding, now to carrying bales and she advised him to pretend that he was feeling bad and fall into a hole to rest.
The donkey trusted the goat, fell and began to struggle.
The owner called the doctor and asked him to help the animal. He told her to infuse it with a goat's lung and then the donkey would be fine. And having sacrificed the goat, they saved the donkey.
Thus, whoever works evil against others becomes the author of his own evils.
AESOP. “Complete fables”. Direct translation from Greek by Neide Smolka. São Paulo, Modern, 1994. p.17.
question 1 – Identify the phrase in which the conjunction "and" links words of the same sentence:
( ) “Someone was feeding a goat and a donkey.”
( ) "The donkey trusted the goat, fell and began to struggle."
( ) "The owner called the doctor and asked him to help the animal."
Question 2 - In the second sentence of the text, the conjunction “because” introduces:
( ) one explanation
( ) a comparison
( ) an adversity
Question 3 - In the excerpt “[…] the work rhythm of now grinding, now carrying loads […]”, “now” is:
( ) a conclusive coordinating conjunction.
( ) an alternative coordinating conjunction.
( ) an explanatory coordinating conjunction.
Question 4 – To introduce a conclusion reached, the last sentence of the text could be written like this:
( ) “For whoever works evil against others becomes the author of his own evils.
( ) "However, whoever works evil against others becomes the author of his own evils."
( ) "Therefore, whoever works evil against others becomes the author of his own evils."
Question 5 - The phrase "The goat set up against the donkey, ________ she was the one who got it wrong!" must be completed with the conjunction:
( ) because
( ) but
( ) nor
By Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.