Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, proposes the study of indirect transitive verbs. When is a verb indirect transitive? Let's understand? The proposed questions were elaborated based on the text that tells us about the book The one thousand and one nights.
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The story goes that Scherazade, a beautiful and intelligent young woman, convinces her father, the vizier, to take her to the palace of the sultan to marry him, despite knowing that after her wedding night her fate would be death for decapitation. Betrayed by his first wife, the sultan had already taken revenge for his wife's infidelity by murdering countless girls in the kingdom. Despite her father's protests, the young woman decides to stop the cruel saga. But, before leaving the house, she tells her younger sister to go into the room, on the first night, where she will be with her husband and ask her, just before daybreak, to tell him the last of her tales wonderful. The story that Scherazade tells her little sister attracts the attention of the sultan, who decides to spare his life to continue following the narrative the following night. And so, spinning stories, weaving cycles of tales, the young woman goes through a thousand and one nights and stays alive, finally winning (although some versions are controversial) her husband's love.
“Mente Cérebro Magazine”, Duetto editorial, Issue nº 197. P. 4.
Question 1 - In the passage “[…] let him tell you the last of his wonderful tales.”, the pronoun “lhe”, which works as an indirect object of the verb “to tell”, resumes:
( ) the young Scherazade.
( ) to the sultan.
( ) to Scherazade's younger sister.
Question 2 - The transitive indirect verb needs complete with the preposition. This rule is followed by the underlined verb in:
( ) “[…] the sultan has already avenge of women's infidelity […]"
( ) “Despite the father's protests, the young woman decide interrupt the cruelty saga."
( ) “[…] the young woman goes through a thousand and one nights and keeps alive […]"
Question 3 - The verb "says" is indirect transitive in:
( ) “The story says that Scherazade […]”
( ) “[…] tell the younger sister to go into the room […]”
Question 4 – In the sentence “[…] take her to the Sultan's palace […]”, the verb “take” is:
( ) direct transitive
( ) indirect transitive
( ) direct and indirect transitive
Question 5 - Identify the indirect object of the verb “marry” in “[…] to marry him […]”:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.