Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, aims to study the future time. The questions presented are based on a fragment of the book The fantastic chocolate factory, written by Roald Dahl.
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I, Willy Wonka, have decided to allow five children – just five, not one more – to visit my factory this year. The five lucky ones will be personally received by me and will be able to know all the secrets and magic of my factory.
At the end of the visit, you will receive chocolates and sweets as a gift that will last a lifetime! Keep an eye out for Golden Coupons! Five coupons were printed on gold paper and will be hidden under the plain paper of five chocolate tablets. These tablets can be anywhere, in any store, any street, any city, any country in the world where Mr. Wonka's candy is sold. Good luck to everyone and happy hunting!
Signed: Willy Wonka
DAHL, Reald. “The fantastic Chocolate Factory”, Martins Fontes.
Question 1 - In the sentence "At the end of the visit will receive as a chocolate gift […]”, the underlined future verb has as its referent:
( ) “the five children”.
( ) “The lucky five”.
( ) "all".
Question 2 - “[…] will be hidden underneath the common paper […]. Point out the subject of the voiceover in the highlighted future:
( ) “Golden Coupons”.
( ) “Five coupons”.
( ) “chocolate tablets”.
Question 3 - The highlighted verb is in the future tense in:
( ) “I, Willy Wonka, I decided allow five children […]”
( ) “[…] and sweets that will last for all life!"
( ) “keep yourselves pay attention to the Golden Coupons!"
Question 4 – Check the sentence whose verb phrase was used in the future tense:
( ) “The lucky five will be personally received by me […]”
( ) “Five coupons were printed on gold paper […]”
( ) “[…] where Mr. Wonka's sweets are sold.”
Question 5 - Identify the verbal phrase in the future that makes up the penultimate period of the text:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.