Portuguese activity aims to study the different spellings of the "because", taking as a starting point the news Why are four-leaf clovers rare?. It is content that commonly raises doubts.
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by Julia Trevisan
Because they are mutants. In fact, clover, which is common in Europe, North Africa and North and West Asia and the United States, has only one leaf, subdivided into leaflets. Most of them have three leaflets, and the scientific name itself indicates this: trifolium repens. But, on rare occasions, one out of four appears, probably because of a genetic mutation. Little is known about this anomaly. It's just that science has not yet been able to locate the gene responsible for the extra leaflets (there may be more than four, inclusive). What has already been discovered is that the climate influences. When the temperature rises in summer, four-leaf clover is more common.
Available in: http://mundoestranho.abril.com.br. Accessed on: 06/08/16.
Question 1 - The purpose of the text is:
to inform
b) entertain
c) disclose
d) alert
Question 2 - Justify the use of the following underlined forms:
The) "Because are four-leaf clovers rare?”.
B) "Why they are mutants.”.
Question 3 - All alternatives are correct as to the use of the "why", except in:
a) We don't know why four-leaf clovers are rare.
b) Little is known about the anomaly that the four-leaf clover undergoes.
c) The clover has four leaves because it is probably the result of a genetic mutation.
d) The four-leaf clover is more common when the temperature rises why?
Correct form and justification:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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