activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about a royal sloth. She is rescued after being found by a resident in an urban area of Macapá. Shall we inform ourselves about this fact? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Animal was found near a house in the Novo Buritizal neighborhood. He was handed over to Cetas, from Ibama, to be cared for and will soon be released into the wild..
A royal sloth was rescued on Thursday (15) in the Novo Buritizal neighborhood, in the South Zone of Macapá, by the Environmental Battalion of the Military Police (PM) of Amapá. The animal was unharmed and was handed over to the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama).
A resident of the neighborhood informed the police that he was scared to find the animal near his house. Therefore, he called the police to make the voluntary surrender. The team rescued the sloth of the species Choloepus didactylus, which was forwarded to Ibama's Wild Animal Screening Center (Cetas).
At the center, the animal receives the necessary care to soon be returned to nature.
Fabiana Figueiredo. Available in:. Published: June 16, 2017.
Question 1 – The text above is:
( ) A tale.
( ) a notice.
( ) a review.
Question 2 – In “Animal was found near a house in the Novo Buritizal neighborhood.”, what animal does the text refer to?
Question 3 – Underline the expression below that indicates a time circumstance:
“A royal sloth was rescued on Thursday (15) in the Novo Buritizal neighborhood, in the South Zone of Macapá […]”
Question 4 – According to the text, the royal sloth was rescued:
( ) by the Environmental Battalion of the Military Police (PM) of Amapá.
( ) by a resident of the Novo Buritizal neighborhood, in the South Zone of Macapá.
( ) by professionals from the Wild Animal Screening Center (Cetas) of Ibama.
Question 5 – Read back:
“The animal was unharmed. It is was handed over to the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA).”
In this passage, the underlined word indicates:
( ) facts that add up.
( ) facts that alternate.
( ) contrasting facts.
Question 6 – According to the text, a resident of the neighborhood “called the police to make the voluntary delivery”, because:
( ) laziness needed care.
( ) he was scared by the laziness near his house.
( ) the sloth you found is of the species Choloepus didactylus.
Question 7 – Watch:
“The team rescued the sloth of the species Choloepus didactylus, which was forwarded to Ibama’s Wild Animal Screening Center (Cetas).
This snippet is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 8 – In “In the center, the animal receives the necessary care to soon be returned to nature.”, the word “to”:
( ) enters a destination.
( ) points in a direction.
( ) establishes a relationship of purpose.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.