Portuguese activity, proposed to students in the fifth or sixth year of elementary school, developed with the aim of developing in the students the skills of reading, interpreting and producing invitations, as well as recognizing the characteristics of the genre in question.
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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The invitation it is a textual genre whose main objective is to establish communication about a certain event. Therefore, all information contained in it must be clear so that the reader understands the message.
There are invitations for various purposes: invitations for birthdays, for weddings, for a tea party, among others. We can classify them into formal and informal.
You formal, for example, are intended for a wedding party, graduation, etc.
You informal are intended for a birthday party or tea, for example.
See some examples of invitations:
In an invitation you cannot miss:
- The goal;
– Usually the name of the recipient(s);
- The message;
– The sender (the sender's name);
– The location, date and time of the event.
1) Read below the invitation of a 2nd year elementary school student:
Now remove from the above invitation:
The. Objective:
B. Recipient:
ç. The message:
d. The venue of the event:
and. The date the event will take place:
f. The time the event will take place:
g. The sender:
2) Now it's your turn to write an invitation to your birthday party: Don't forget to illustrate it. If possible, develop your invitation in "Word" and once completed, print to display it on the school's wall. Good work!
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva – Graduated in Letters
At answers are in the link above the header.