Portuguese activity, suitable for 8th grade students, presents questions about the additive conjunctions, used in the construction of the text that answers the following question: Why does it rain little in the Northeast?
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A series of factors causes little rain in eight northeastern states (Maranhao is outside) and in the north of Minas Gerais. One of the explanations is the fact that there are no large natural water reserves in the region. In addition, the systems that create the rains across the country cannot reach the area – they are stuck in the South and Southeast regions. Not even the humid and gigantic Amazon Forest is able to help: the rain that occurs there has no strength to reach the dry area, as well as the sea breeze from the northeast coast (where the region's rains concentrate).
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Question 1 - The purpose of whoever wrote the read text is:
a) alert
b) explain
c) entertain
d) criticize
Question 2 - In the first sentence of the text, the conjunction "and" establishes a relationship of:
the conclusion
b) adversity
c) addition
d) condition
Question 3 - Identify the additive conjunction that links the third period to the second:
Question 4 – “[…] the rain that occurs there does not have the strength to reach the dry area, as well as the sea breeze off the northeast coast […]”. Mark the word or expression that could replace "just as" in this excerpt:
a) however
b) as soon as
c) because
d) as well as
Question 5 - The verbs that make up the text are in tense:
( ) past
( ) gift
( ) future
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.