Activity of interpretation, addressed to eighth grade students, of the text on paper made of stone. Have you ever heard of him? No? Do you want to know this product that is environmentally friendly? So, be sure to read the text and answer the interpretive questions!
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More than 4 billion trees fall down every year to produce paper, whether to make books or even for personal hygiene, among other uses. Although digital technology and the tablets become increasingly popular, there are still no solid indications of change in this industry. The solution then is to rethink the way paper is produced.
When thinking about it, the Italian company Ogami decided to completely innovate and created a paper made of stone. Technically, it is made from calcium carbonate, a natural by-product of limestone. O Repap (paper from back to front, in English) is also waterproof, and can even be cleaned.
The advantages of Repap they don't stop at reducing tree felling: the stone paper production process does not require water. Naturally white, the product also avoids the strong acids used for bleaching. All of this means that the pollution associated with plain paper making can be avoided.
It's also easy to recycle, without the large amounts of water and energy that recycling typically uses. The material does not have the capacity to be made into new paper, but it can be recycled into products made from plastic, such as flower pots and bags.
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Question 1 - The text serves the purpose of notifying that:
a) “More than 4 billion trees fall down every year to produce paper […]”
b) “[…] digital technology and tablets become increasingly popular […]"
c) “[…] the Ogami company decided to completely innovate and created a paper made of stone.”
d) “[…] it is easy to recycle, without the large amounts of water and energy.”
Question 2 - Reread the first paragraph carefully. Then, mark the passage where a thesis is presented:
a) “More than 4 billion trees come down … to make books or even […]”
b) “[…] digital technology and tablets become increasingly popular […]"
c) “[…] there are still no solid indications of changes in this industry.”
d) "The solution then is to rethink the way paper is produced."
Question 3 - The text technically presents the element used in the manufacture of paper made of stone, in:
a) “[…] it is made of calcium carbonate, a natural by-product of limestone.”
b) “[…] it is waterproof, and can even be cleaned.”
c) "Naturally white […]"
d) “It's also easy to recycle […]”
Question 4 – According to the text, the advantages of making stone paper go far beyond the reduction of tree felling. Check the alternative that does not have one of these advantages:
a) “[…] the stone paper production process does not require water.”
b) “[…] the product also avoids the strong acids used for bleaching.”
c) “It's also easy to recycle, without the large amounts of water and energy […]”
d) “[…] has the capacity to be transformed into new paper […]”
Question 5 - In “The Repap (paper backwards, in English), the excerpt in parentheses:
a) defines the Repap.
b) criticizes the Repap.
c) praises the Repap.
d) highlights the Repap.
Question 6 – In the last period of the text, the conjunction “but” introduces:
a) a conclusion
b) a compensation
c) a caveat
d) an opposition
Question 7 – In the phrase “[…] like flower vases and bags.”, the term “how” announces:
a) a condition
b) a comparison
c) an example
d) an observation
Question 8 – The text was written in a predominantly language:
a) technique
b) colloquial
c) scientific
d) formal
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.