activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about the yellow cardinal. Let's get to know this bird better? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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The Yellow Cardinal (Gubernatrix cristata) is a bird in the Emberizidae family, the New World sparrows, a group that includes birds such as the sparrows, the caboclinhos and the orioles. The species is native to Uruguay, eastern Argentina and southern Brazil.
Measuring about 19.2 cm in length, the coloring of its feathers is yellow and black, more distinct in males. Females are distinguished by a white superciliary stripe and malar striae (a “mustache”) and a gray chest. They are birds of extraordinary physical and sound beauty.
The species lives in open woods, savannahs, bushy regions and in dirty fields, areas conducive to its eating habits: seeds, fruits and insects that it finds on the ground.
Cardinals are usually seen in pairs or small groups. In certain regions of Argentina, however, they can occasionally form flocks of up to 50 individuals.
The female lays three to four eggs in a bowl-shaped nest, built with sticks, fibers. Cubs are born after 12 or 13 days.
Cardinals are threatened by the chronic capture of individuals from the wild for captive breeding or the illegal trade in wild birds. The exuberant plumage and pleasant song make the species coveted by singing bird enthusiasts. The destruction and mischaracterization of the habitat, promoted by the expansion of rice growing in Rio Grande do South, in addition to the conversion of fields in the Serra do Sudeste into eucalyptus plantations, they also threaten the species.
Efforts to preserve the yellow cardinal are the target of the National Action Plan for the Conservation of Endangered Passerines of Campos Sulinos, from the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio).
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Question 1 – In the passage “The species is native to Uruguay, eastern Argentina and southern Brazil.”, the text refers to:
( ) to the tico-tico.
( ) to the papa-grass.
( ) to the yellow cardinal.
Question 2 – In “Measuring about 19.2 cm in length, the coloring of its feathers is yellow and black, more distinct in males.”, the text:
( ) narrates.
( ) describe.
( ) argues.
Question 3 – In the section “[…] stria malar (a ‘mustache’) […]”, the information in parentheses is:
( ) one correction.
( ) one explanation.
( ) an example.
Question 4 – In the fragment “The species lives in open woods, savannas, bushy regions and in dirty fields […]”, “e” indicates:
( ) addition.
( ) opposition.
( ) conclusion.
Question 5 – In the section “In certain regions of Argentina, nonetheless, may occasionally form flocks of up to 50 individuals.”, the term underlined has the same meaning as:
( ) "then".
( ) "although".
( ) "therefore".
Question 6 – Read back:
“Cardinals are threatened by the chronic capture of individuals from the wild for captive breeding or the illegal trade in wild birds.”
The word “para”, used twice in this fragment, introduces:
( ) conditions for capturing yellow cardinals in the wild.
( ) the purposes of capturing yellow cardinals in the wild.
( ) the consequences of capturing yellow cardinals in the wild.
Question 7 – Identify the segment that presents an opinion:
( ) “They are birds of extraordinary physical and sound beauty.”
( ) “[…] areas conducive to their eating habits: seeds, fruits and insects […]”
( ) “The female lays three to four eggs in a bowl-shaped nest […]”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.